Chapter 8

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The shoot in D.C. had gone well. Laura had enjoyed dressing up like a 1940s Bombshell. She had loved the hair, the make-up, and the especially the dresses. They had used famous backdrops and it had been a challenge, not only in getting all the permits required, but also making sure that the permits were easily accessible. If Laura hadn't of had so much fun wearing the clothes then D.C. would have been a bust. She knew Davis had to be challenged, not only with the permitting, but the tourists who were everywhere and not shy about taking their own photos. Laura had little doubt that the images would be easily found on the internet by the next day.

Kelly and Carmen were more relaxed about the whole thing than she was, but all Laura could think about was the evening's impending disaster, otherwise known as dinner with her parents.

Laura had suggested dinner at her parent's house, that way if Davis underdressed he wouldn't seem as out of place, but her father had passed on that idea and picked one of the most exclusive restaurants in Washington.

She had meant to talk to Davis beforehand about the proper attire, but all she had managed to get out was the name of the restaurant in their minimal conversation. Of course if he wasn't dressed right it would be another strike against him which would make her plan more successful, but she knew how disdainful her father could be to those he found inadequate. Laura liked Davis and, while she didn't want her parents to like him, she didn't want him to be uncomfortable or embarrassed.

Laura looked at her appearance once more in the mirror. She was wearing a pale blue Chanel suit and black kid heels. Her hair was pulled in a neat coil at the nape of her neck, her make-up was minimal, and her jewelry was very conservative. She looked just as she should; neat, proper, and twice her age. Her father would be pleased.

She was meeting Davis in the lobby, so she grabbed her black clutch and taking a deep breath headed down to the lobby.

When she stepped off of the elevator she looked around and not seeing Davis she took a seat facing the elevators. She didn't have to wait long as a few moments later the elevator doors opened and out he stepped. He was wearing a spectacular suit that had to be custom fitted. It was navy blue, and under it he wore a crisp white shirt paired with a maroon tie.

Laura was speechless. Not only was the suit beautiful but he wore it well, really well. She couldn't help but note some of the glances he was getting from the ladies in the lobby. He smiled at her and her knees almost gave way. Holding up one finger, telling her to wait a moment, he walked over to the reception desk and spoke to the concierge.

When he finally joined her he was holding a small package.

At a loss for what to say Laura shook her head. "You're late."

"Forgive me, I couldn't help keeping the supermodel waiting. It's not every day that I get to have dinner with my girlfriend's parents. I had to look perfect." He turned around for her. "Will I do?"

Laura shook her head, closing her eyes. Davis Stevens was way too handsome for her peace of mind.

"Admit it Laura, you thought I would show up in jeans and my cowboy boots." He grinned.

The way he said her name made her heart beat a little faster. "I wish you had." She sighed. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, I've hired a car for the evening," Hh said as he placed his hand in the middle of her back. "What's with the getup?" he motioned to her suit.

"It's what's expected."

"And you always do what's expected?"

"Always." She felt her mouth tighten as she said the word. It had never paid to be rebellious in her father's house. She learned at a very young age to stay in line. She was to remain in the background and not speak unless spoken to. Speaking out of turn would result in a tirade from her father's very sharp tongue.

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