Chapter 4

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The next morning she rose early and went to the hotel gym to do her work out. Her morning regime not only kept her in shape, but it helped her focus. Pushing herself extra hard, she was exhausted when she made it back to her room.

Taking a shower and getting dressed was all she had time for before she had to be in the lobby before grabbing a banana from the fruit basket and heading down towards the lobby, her usual bag of tricks in tow.

When she got to the lobby she was the last one to arrive, and everyone except Davis looked like they had had a long night. Devon and Charlotte were sitting in chairs next to each other wearing dark sunglasses, and Kelly was hanging onto Davis while Carmen leaned against a column.

"It looks like I missed an interesting evening," Laura greeted the sorry looking group of people.

"Yet we all managed to beat you here," Kelly replied snippily.

"Excuse me, I woke up early to workout and I lost track of the time, am I late?" Laura looked at her watch knowing she wasn't late.

"Shut up," Kelly said, groaning as she moved towards the exit.

There was a large van that was waiting to take them to the different famous locals where they were shooting; the rest of the photography crew would be meeting them there.

Laura noticed that Davis, while not as tired as the others, was not his chipper self.

"You missed a hell of a party last night," Charlotte said, coming up behind her.

"It looks like it." She bit back the smile that was threating.

"It turns out Davis knows some pretty famous people." Charlotte held her hand up to block the sunlight.

Today was not going to be fun that was for sure.

"You missed everything Laura," Kelly assured her. "We went to a party at some famous person's house and Davis knew everyone there, including Mason and Cassandra Stevens."

Laura looked up at Davis. Had that been his surprise. She had told him that she liked Cassandra Stevens.

He looked at her and shrugged. "I tried."

After everyone was in the van he jumped in the front and took everyone's photo from the front, laughing when they all groaned.

"Hey girls, this is just the beginning," and it was.

The day was hard for Laura and she didn't have a hangover, she couldn't imagine what it was like for the others. The sun was hot as it blazed down on them and their numerous outfit changes and makeup fixes seemed to take forever.

Laura had three dress changes alone.  Not that she wasn't loving the outfits with their petticoats, white gloves, hats and very high heels, but the day was hot and the dresses started to wilt after only a few hours of posing.

When they broke for a late lunch of boxed meals in the park, Laura got to change into a light sundress just before Charlotte grabbed her and pulled her aside so that they could talk.

"I never knew your work was this hard." She sighed as she sunk down onto a blanket that they had spread under a tree.

"It's easier when you don't have a hangover," she said lightly.

Charlotte nodded, watching Davis as he flirted with the other three ladies.

"I like Davis," Charlotte said as laid down looking up at the trees.

"I have a feeling most people do," Laura said dryly, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"You were upset about your Father weren't you?" Charlotte changed the subject suddenly.

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