Chapter 6

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Marissa wanted details on my conversation with Nick, so when we got back to her house, I put Moira in a playpen, then sat with Marissa to tell her everything. Marissa listened, without judgement, then when I finished, I asked, "Do you think I'm a bitch for keeping him out of her life?" I bit my lip, anticipating her brutal honesty.

Marissa pursed her lips & looked down at the mug she was holding between her hands. "I understand that you want to keep drama out of her life, but I also think it's wrong to keep her away from him now that he knows about her."

"But, I don't know anything about him."

"Demi, that doesn't matter. He is still her biological father. You did have sex with him. You did have his baby. So, in my opinion, you shouldn't keep her from him. But... she's not my daughter." Marissa said, leaning on her hands. I loved that she could be honest with me. We've been friends since we were children, in grade school, so I trusted her, completely. "Are you going to tell Wilmer?" She asked, putting her hand down & watching me, closely, with an amused expression on her face.

 "Are you going to tell Wilmer?" She asked, putting her hand down & watching me, closely, with an amused expression on her face

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I shook my head, vehemently. "No. He can't know that I saw Nick. Wilmer only knows that I had a one night stand with a guy I met, when I stopped in, to have a drink, in a small town on the way to your house. He knows nothing about me picking up a hitchhiker & he has no idea that I spent the whole night with him. If he knew of the connection & the amazing night we had together, he'd be so hurt. I don't want to hurt him." 

"Is that the reason you don't want Nick to be in Moira's life? Are you afraid that Wilmer will see something between you or that Nick will tell Wilmer the details of that night?"

I sighed, looking down. "I'm keeping her safe. I don't know Nick. I don't want her life to be turned upside down. And okay... maybe I don't want Wilmer to find out details of that night, but that's a small part of the reason."

Marissa smirked, like she didn't believe me. "Uh huh. Demi... the truth always has a way of coming out. Just saying." Marissa warned, standing up & looking over at Moira. "Nick may not leave you alone. You may hear from him again."

I shrugged my shoulders, letting her know that I had no idea what I'd do if Nick did contact me. "I should get back home. I need to give her a bath & put her to bed." I stood up & walked to Moira to pick her up. Marissa grabbed the diaper back then she followed me out to the car. After I put Moira in her carseat, I turned to say 'goodbye' to Marissa.

"My car will be finished the day after tomorrow. Are you going to take me to pick it up or should I call an Uber or one of my other friends?" Marissa asked, smirking.

"You have other friends?" I quipped.

"Uh... yes..."

"I would rather not stop in that town anytime soon. But if you can't find someone else to take you, let me know & I will." I gave her a grin, then got in my car. 

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