Chapter 33

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I heard someone shouting my name, bringing me out of the dark fog that I felt all around me. I couldn't open my eyes, but I knew it was Nick's voice. He was worried. He was scared. I could hear it in his voice. I felt a pain on the side of my head, then it got worse, the more awake I was. I opened my mouth & cried out, but was afraid to open my eyes.

"Demi! Can you hear me?" I heard Nick ask. 

I slowly, opened my eyes & the first thing I saw was Nick's face. He looked fine, which was a relief. I turned my head to look around, the pain so severe that I gasped & reached up to touch my head. "What happened?" I managed to ask.

"A car swerved into my lane. I managed to avoid a head on collision, but then our car jumped the curb & hit a pole. You must have hit your head. You've been unconscious for a few minutes, but don't move. I called 911 & help is on the way, so hang in there, baby."

Baby. Oh my God. The baby. It hit me, suddenly, that I was pregnant. I started sobbing, thinking I probably would lose the baby. I'm sure the seatbelt tightened on impact & that's not good for a growing fetus. I leaned on my hand & started crying hard, the pain in my head, the least of my worries. "Oh God... " I cried out.

"What? What's wrong? Are you in pain? Are you hurt somewhere that I can't see? Demi?" Nick's voice was frantic now

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"What? What's wrong? Are you in pain? Are you hurt somewhere that I can't see? Demi?" Nick's voice was frantic now.

I shook my head, crying uncontrollably now. "I was gonna....t...tell... you...." I couldn't finish my sentence because I was crying so hard. I tried to catch my breath, to continue. "We... when... we... got home."

"Tell me what?" Nick asked. My gaze met his & he reached up to wipe my tears. "What were you going to tell me, baby?" His voice was soft now.

I took a few deep breaths & swallowed, concentrating on Nick's face

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I took a few deep breaths & swallowed, concentrating on Nick's face. His soft brown eyes, although they were worried, gave me comfort. His lips, relaxed & forming a tiny smile, made me feel loved. "I'm pregnant." I said in a rush of air.

Nick's eyes grew wider. "What?" He asked, in a gasp. 

"I'm sorry. I should have told you earlier." I said, then my face crumpled & the sobs took over again, as I feared losing my baby. 

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