Chapter 19

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The holidays, after Wilmer's death were difficult, even though we had already celebrated, with him, a few months before. It still was hard to celebrate when Wilmer wasn't there, with us. Moira did better than any of us adults. She was coping pretty well, even though she was still having bad dreams & was still a bit clingy with me & Nick.

Nick's parents, as well as Joe, spent the holidays with us, since we decided to do some traveling over Christmas. We went to Disneyland for Christmas, which, of course, helped us not be so sad. Moira had an amazing time, especially with her Daddy & Uncle Joe. Those two together, with her, always warmed my heart. It was hard to be unhappy at the happiest place on earth, so I was glad we went.

I worried that it would be awkward, between us, after Nick & I professed our love for each other, but it wasn't, at all. We acted the exact same way toward each other, except there was a slight difference, that only Nick & I could feel. It was as if we both knew someday we'd be together, so sometimes it was like we were a couple, but we didn't do anything other than hug each other. It was an amazing feeling, honestly, but it was also an unspoken feeling. Nick didn't tell anyone, about what him & I had talked about & neither did I. Well, I assumed he told Joe & I did tell Marissa, but other than those two, we kept it to ourselves. We didn't even bring it up to each other.

Our lives went back to normal, shortly after the new year. I went back to work, but now I was the CEO of the entire company that Wilmer had started, many years before. I delegated much of the responsibility to the other trusted members of the team & I was going to work closely, with a few others, on the record label. We finally had a few artists to potentially, sign & we also signed Nick & Joe, but not as performers. We signed them on as writers.

Both Joe & Nick were incredible at writing songs, so they wanted to do that for a while & see how well their songs did, before they attempted to be rockstars. I was fine with it, especially since I knew how Nick felt about being a rock star. I didn't want to push him to do something he wasn't really into. I also wasn't sure, now, that I wanted Nick to be a rockstar. I didn't want to share him with adoring fans & I didn't want that career choice to keep him from Moira, for long periods of time, either. I knew how talented Nick & Joe were, from the crowds that showed up to watch them at the bar, so I knew they could be huge, if they pursued it.

 I knew how talented Nick & Joe were, from the crowds that showed up to watch them at the bar, so I knew they could be huge, if they pursued it

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In June of 2020, Nick & I were celebrating Father's day, with Moira & Joe, at the beach. I was watching Nick & Joe play with Moira, in the water, with a big smile on my face. Nick was laughing as he watched Joe swing Moira in the water, making her squeal with delight. Joe was amazing with her & I loved watching them together.

Nick came in from the water & threw himself down on the towel beside me. I clicked my tongue, at him, since he got my magazine all wet. "Sorry." He chuckled, leaning back on his hands.

"You're like a wet dog." I said, with an eye roll.

"Are you calling me a dog?" He scoffed, narrowing his eyes at me.

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