2.) Confusion

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I woke up earlier then usual today, but I got up and got ready for school anyway. I put some gray sweats on and a tight long sleeved dark blue T-shirt. I combed my hair a little and went downstairs for some breakfast. When I went into kitchen my mom handed me a plate of eggs and toast. I thanked her, ate, and grabbed my bag. As I was stepping out the door my mom stopped me.

"Niall honey are you sure you wanna go today because no one is forcing you, online is still an option." she looked at me kind heartedly.

"Yeah mom I'll be alright plus I think the bullies are actually backing off" I lied...

"Are you sure? What about Liam?" she questioned.

"Trust me mom I'll be fine, I can handle myself!" I lied right through my teeth again.

"Alright then can I at least drive you today?"

"Eh I'm good, i need to clear my head and walking helps" and with that I hugged my mom and stepped outside closing the door behind me.

I started walking to school in the chilly Fall breeze seemingly brushing against my skin.

As I was walking I didn't realize I was so lost in thought until I heard a familiar voice on the other side of the street. Liam. It's was Liams strong calming voice. I glanced over and saw he was walking with Zayn and Greg. Just a bunch of jerks I thought. I started to walk faster hoping they wouldn't see me but sadly I was wrong. I heard Greg shout "HEY LOOK ITS THE FAG!" I cringed and kept walking except this time almost jogging.

Next thing I knew I was beginning tripped by Zayn straight to my face. Blood was oozing out my nose but they didn't care. They just stood there and laughed. I went to get up but Greg knocked me back down laughing even harder.

That's when I noticed Liam just standing there a few feet back just watching with a few chuckles here and there.

why wasn't he hurting me to? why was he standing kind of back?

These questions ran through my head.

I went to speak but was cut off by a punch to my eye by Greg.

I grabbed my eye in utter pain praying someone would help me. I felt tears coming to my eyes but every time they would bully me I wouldn't cry cause I know that shows even more weakness but this time was different. One tear turned into two then turned into many just pouring down my face one after another. I was waiting for another blow to my head but nothing.

"He's actually crying!" Zayn bursted out laughing and Greg joined, but Liam just stood there with an expressionless face.

Zayn went to hit me and I clenched my eyes shut, waiting for it but instead something happened that stunned me...


Zayn and Greg quickly turned around facing Liam.

"What do you mean stop?" Zayn question.

"What you to stupid to no what stop means?" Liam through back.

"But why stop?" Greg said stepping in.

There was a pause. Liam glanced down at me.

"B-because I said plus were gonna be fucking late so let's go!" he argued.

Zayn rolled his eyes and kicked me when they walked past leaving me there bleeding and bruised.

I picked myself up and grabbed my bag with any strength I had left. I started dragging myself to school.

Why would he do that? Why would he stop them? Why did he stutter? It sure wasn't cause they were gonna be late because school doesn't start for another half hour and it's not that far from here.

All of these things blurring my brain. I was so confused.

Finally I reached school and made my way once again to the nurses office. I think she was expecting me because she greated me at the door and had all the things out and ready to bandage me up. After that I got a late slip to class which was Math. Greg is in that class with me. I opened the door handing my note to Mr. Hoover. I sat down getting horrible looks from Greg.

Math passed then so did history and L.A.

Now it was lunch time.

I usually wait behind and let everyone else walk to lunch so I don't get pushed around. Once I check to make sure hallways were clear except for maybe a few people i started heading to lunch. Then I saw him. Liam. At his locker actually by himself without the other to immature idiots. Now could possibly be my chance to confront him about earlier. I went behind him and gently tapped him shoulder. He jumped a little and turned around looking at me.

"Jesus Niall you scared the crap out of me!"

"Sorry..... wait, no mean comment or push?"

"Uh do you want me to?" he looked confused.

"Oh don't play dumb Liam, trust me your not very good at it... but I'm here because I wanted to know what that was earlier?" I said trying to act brave.

"What, what was?"

"You no, when you told them to stop and don't say cause you guys were gonna be late cause you and I both know you werent." I snapped back.


I just stood there. I didn't no what to say.

I told them to stop because I couldn't handle them hurting him anymore. When I saw him cry it broke me, im not sure why but it did and seeing the marks on his arms that Greg and zayn were to busy laughing to notice hurt me inside even more and I just yelled "stop" not even thinking, it just came out.

I stared into his ocean blue orbs. They were memorizing. Wait what am I doing... stop liam! I mentally slapped myself.

He cleared him throat waiting for a answer.

"I - I - I don't know..." I trailed off.

"Liar! Now tell me!" he shot back.

"I - I felt bad okay happy now?"

"Ha ha ha Liam Payne feeling bad toward the stupid, fat, ugly FAG of the school, yeah right!"

Even though he was yelling I could tell he was about to cry again. Little did he no I'm Bisexual. I knew when I was younger but didn't wanna believe it until that day in 4th grade when Niall accidently kissed my cheek. I felt sparks yet a year later we drifted apart and I met Zayn and Greg who absolutely hate Gays so whenever I'm around them I have to, to and I'm around them a lot. As I looked at Nialls face I could see his hurt. He really was trying hard not to cry.

"Your not ugly, stupid, or fat.." I whispered back.

He looked down. "Yes I am" and that was when his tears started to fall again.

"Please don't cry Nialler." I put a hand on shoulder and he immediately flinched and backed away a little. "I'm sorry" I apologized.

"Why are you being nice to me and you haven't called me Nialler since the end of 4th grade," he muttered still in tears.


I was standing there in front of Liam crying like a bloody fool waiting for him to reply.

Then he shocked me by wrapping me in his strong muscular arms and whispered, "Because I care"

~ I Hope this chapter doesn't suck and you guys like it! It will get even better I Promise! Vote and Comment!!! ~

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