23.) The Big Project!

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"Are you gonna tell me what's bothering you yet?" I pressed.

It's been 3 days since I almost ended it with Niall but he made me realize I couldn't let him go. Yet ever since that night he's been acting weird, like something is seriously bothering him.

He just shook his head and keep watching tv.

"Is it me? Did I do something wrong?" I sighed.

He turned to me and got on my lap so he was straddling me then he leaned down and rested his head on my chest, "Liam stop okay? It's not you I swear." He whispered.

"Then what is it? I can tell something is bothering you, I'm not stupid."

"And I didn't say you were Li. Trust me when I say I'm fine and it's nothing to worry about, I don't know exactly why I'm asking like this but I'm sure I'm just in a mood, it'll pass."

"What are you a girl now?" I chuckled.

"Let's be honest here Liam you have the muscles, the abs, the great hair, and strength the kick anyone's ass especially me, so I'm pretty sure I'd be the girl in this relationship and you'd be the guy, soooo I'm aloud by rights to have any mood change I want." He pouted at the end.

"Awe babe your so cute! And fine I suppose that's true but I'd never lay a hand on you... Not Like that anyway." I smirked and kissed his head.

He giggled which I thought was adorable and continued to lay on my chest. I ran my fingers gently through his soft hair.

"Liam!!" He yelled quickly sitting up pressing his bum a little to hard down on my crotch making me groan jolting forward a little.

"Oh whoops Babe I'm so sorry."

Then Niall reached down a palmed me through my jeans.

"Uhh Niall I-" I moaned and he started to move his hand basically massaging me through my pants making me moan more.

He looked up at me and smirked, "Better?" He asked.

"Not fully." I said grabbing Niall by the back of the neck kissing him but to my loss he pulled away panting.


"Babe I know your not ready, I'm sorry."

"That's not it Li I mean after all I was the one starting it." He blushed.

"Then what is it Ni?"

"Seriously you forgot?"

"Forgot what?"

"We have school tomorrow..."

"Fuck." I groaned.

"Hey language Mr. Payne!"

"Oh shush." I pecked his lips pressing our foreheads together.

"Would you take me home now Li? I don't wanna walk besides it's dark and scary." Niall stuck his bottom lips out.

"Of course babe."


To -

Nialler<3 : 'Good Morning My Cute Little Leprechaun! xxxx'

From -

Nialler<3 : 'Gooood Morninggg My Incredible Sexy Batman! xxxxx'

To -

Nialler<3 : 'Oooooo I like that babe ;) BATMAN!!! Haha.'

From -

Love Hurts... (Niam Horayne and some Larry)Where stories live. Discover now