38.) Make Love Or Argue?

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I stirred in my sleep and slowly open my eyes. I was finally home in my bed now and it felt so much better. I rolled over and saw Liam right up against me snoring quietly. He was so cute.

"Why are you staring at me?" Liam suddenly spoke and opened his eyes.

"Oh uh I...um..." I stumbled blushing.

"It's okay babe I don't mind," he chuckled, "I was staring at you when you feel asleep last night."

"Really?" I laughed.

"Of course. Your adorable when you sleep hun."

I blushed again, holding my hands to my cheeks.

"Awe don't cover your face Ni! Your so cuteeee when you blush." He playfully pulled my hands away and kissed my cheek.

"Li do we have to get up today?" I asked hopeful he'll say no.

"Well I really want you to eat something though." He sighed.

"But youuuuu could bring it to me!" I used my puppy face and kid voice.

"Ugh Nialler." He chuckled hugged me close to his warm chest.

"Never mind don't leave me your warm and I'm cold."

"As much as I wanna cuddle with you, your tummy is hungry."

"No it's n-" Speak of the devil my stomach started to growl.

"See." Liam wiggled his eyebrows.

"Leeyummmm you know I can't do that!" I whined.

"Do what baby?"

"Wiggle my eyebrows." I pouted.

"Awe I'm sorry but come on let's go eat something." He rolled off the bed but I didn't move an inch.

"Niall come on." He pulled some pants on but no shirt which I very much liked.

I shook my head and tried not to smile.

"Fine then..." Before I could respond Liam pick me up and through me over his muscular shoulder.

I laughed and grabbed his butt in both of my hands and squeezed.

"Ni don't do that... Your gonna turn me on or drop you." He laughed and walked downstairs. He set me down on the counter and tried to walk away but I wouldn't let him. I wrapped my legs tightly around him and had my arms around his neck.

"Let go babe." He smirked.

"Nope." I popped the P and kissed him. It turned into a make out session that I didn't want to end.

"Nialler please." He whispered while our forehead rested together.

"I'm ready Liam." I whispered back.

"W-what?" He pulled away slightly looking into my eyes.

"I love you Liam and as nervous as I am I want you to make love to me." I blushed.

"I love you so much Niall and I want to make love to you to but I don't think the kitchen is the right place." He smirked and then laughed.

"Way to ruin the moment." I sighed and let go him. I hopped off the counter and walked into the living room. I plopped onto couch and turn the tv on.

"Ni." I heard Liam say as he sat next to me but I gave him the silent treatment, I mean come on you would to if you finally decided you were ready to lose your virginity to the one you so madly loved and they laughed about it and ruined it.

"Are you seriously gonna ignore me Niall?" He asked with more stern tone in his voice.

I just laughed at the tv. I was watching Friends and there hilarious and apparently now a good way to distract myself from talking to someone.

"Fine whatever Niall." He spat kinda harshly and walked out of the living room.

I sighed and felt tears coming to my eyes.

"I'm so stupid," I whispered to myself.

I suddenly felt angry so I stood up and through the remote across the room, It broke when it violently hit the wall and it made a loud sound that bounced off the walls. I stormed away toward the front door slipping on my shoes as Liam reappeared.

"What the hell happened? And where are you going?" He rose his voice.

"Out for a walk. I need air before I pass out." I simple said and opened the door then slammed it behind me.

"Oh god I didn't realize it was this cold." I mutter to myself because I didn't where a jacket.

After a good 20 minutes of walking I found the park that the whole fight thing I guess you could call it happened. I sat on a bench when Josh appeared next to me. I flinched and went to get up but he stopped me.

"It's ok I'm not gonna hurt you. I've moved on from all that. I'm really sorry, I guess I was just to obsessed with idea of me being with Liam that I couldn't see how much you loved each other." He smiled weakly and I relaxed back into my seat.

"So why are you hear alone Niall?" He asked.

"Had an argument with Liam I guess." I muttered.

"Oh." Was all he said.

"Yeah." I replied looking down.

"Well don't feel to down about it. Liam's probably just stressed is all."

"Yeah stressed." I giggled.

"Well he just cares for you a lot."

"I guess and I mean I probably picked a bad moment to tell him I was ready to have sex with him."

Josh started laughing and as I thought about it more so did I.

"Niall?" I heard my name being called so I turned to the side and stopped laughing when I saw an upset and crying Liam.

"Liam what's wrong." I ran up to him.

"I'm so sorry I was mean to you Niall, I was just worried because I wanted you to eat and be healthy after everything that has happened, and I guess I just built all my emotions up and let it out on you and I didn't mean to. Please don't leave me for Josh." He whispered the last part.

I chuckled and cupped his cold wet cheek in my hands, "Okay first Li I love you and I would never leave you for Josh," I turned my head a little to look at Josh, "No a fence Josh."

"Second I'm sorry to because I shouldn't have pressured you into having sex with me after just getting home from the hospital the night before and I guess asking for it in the kitchen wasn't the best idea," I paused, "and I also understand if you don't wanna have sex with me after everything and I'm not exactly the best looking." I tried to smile.

"Ni I do wanna make love with you but just not right now because I'm still worried. Please just give me time. And you are the sexiest man alive." He pulled me close and kissed me.

"Excuse me! I disagree, I believe I'm pretty damn sexy." Josh spoke making us all laugh.

"I love you sweetheart." Liam whispered in my ear.

"I love you too baby."

"Let's go home before you freeze." He took his coat off but he still had a sweater on so he wrapped his jacket around me and held me close. We said bye to Josh and jogged home.



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