20.) Nandos Problem!

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From -

Nialler<3 : 'Morning Babe ;)'

To -

Nialler<3 : 'Morning.'

From -

Nialler<3 : 'What's wrong?'

To -

Nialler<3 : 'Nothing.'

From -

Nialler<3 : 'Don't lie to me Liam'

To -

Nialler<3 : 'It's nothing, seriously Ni just let to go!'

From -

Nialler<3 : 'I just wanted to help :( Sorry'

To -

Nialler<3 : 'Its fine Niall lets just drop it already okay...'

From -

Nialler<3 : 'Fine! I gotta go, I guess I'll text you later. Bye.'

To -

Nialler<3 : 'No Babe don't go, I'm sorry.'

I waited about 10 minutes staring at my phone but no response.

Ugh why am I such an idiot?

My phone buzzed again and I picked it up quickly hoping It was niall.

"Hello? Ni?"

"Uh no sorry it's Josh.."

"Oh. What do you want?"

"Well hello to you to, and I was wondering if we could meet up an talk?"

"No Josh not happening..."

"Please Liam and besides I moved back into town so I'll be going to school with you once break is over so you'll have to eventually talk or at least see me."

"Ughhhhhh." I groaned loudly.

"Come on let's meet up at Nandos for some Lunch in a bout an hour?"

"But that's Nialls favorite place to eat." I whispered.


"Huh? Wha? Oh wait nothing... yeah whatever I'll meet you there but no funny business Josh I'm in a great relationship!" I heard him growl like through the phone and huffed afterwards.

"Fine see ya there bye."

He hung up and I sighed falling back onto my bed. I ran a hand through my hair.

I really really don't wanna go with him especially knowing Niall is mad at me.

I got up took a shower and changed. I grabbed my phone still seeing 0 messages from Niall but saw it was 11:30 meaning I had to go meet Josh. I ran downstairs quickly grabbing my keys and slamming the door behind me.


I took a sip of my coffee waiting for Josh who was clearly late.

"Liam?" I heard from behind me. Then Josh sat on the opposite side of the booth smiling widely.

"Hey." I muttered.

"Oh come on Li loosen up." He reached over a tapped my shoulder but I backed up slightly.

"No and don't call me Li! I told you that!"

"Whatever so your dating Niall?" He seemed to rush out.

Love Hurts... (Niam Horayne and some Larry)Where stories live. Discover now