14.) Sick Liam & Cuddles

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"Harry I don't know what to do..."

"I do!"

*Harry quickly snatches Nialls phone out of his hands and replys to Liam*

'We'll be right over.'

"Give Me That Back Haz!"

"Alright alright but we better be going, we don't wanna keep poor sick Liam waiting now do we?!" Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me down stairs. I pulled my shoes on and Harry through my jacket at me.

"Ready?" He opened the door letting the cool air in.

"No" I muttered under my breath but nodded my head towards him anyway.

We started down my street not saying a word to each other. As we turned the corner onto Liams street I remembered what happened last time I was here. I stopped watching harry keep walking. He finally turned around giving me a sympathetic look.

"Hey it's gonna be fine I promise now come on." He wrapped a protective like arm around my shoulders as we reached Liams house.

"Do we knock?" I questioned.

"I don't think it matters considering he said he couldn't really move." Harry said while turning the knob and opening the door to a silent house.

"Now what?" I questioned again.

"Well um don't you think you should go get a drink for Liam and OH I Don't Know go find him!" He said sarcastically and I hit his arm.

"But what are you gonna do?"

"Im just gonna relax down here while you and Liam sort things out. Now Go Already!"

Harry went and plopped on the couch turning the tv on.

I found my way to the kitchen and opened up the refrigerator grabbing some Gatorade to take to Liam. I then walked quietly up the stairs to Liams room. Before I could knock on the door I started to hear soft whimpers. I opened the door and stepped in. The whimpers got louder and sounded like they were coming from Liams bathroom that was cracked open.

"L-liam?" I spoke softly tapping on the door as it slowly swung open revealing a pale Liam curled up in a ball on the floor.

I ran over to him and got down on my knees lifting his head up on then gently. He didn't look like the Liam I knew. He was as white as a ghost, his hair was all messy, and he was shaking. When he opened his eyes and saw my face he tried to smile. I picked him up bridal style and took him to his bed and covered him with his covers. I went back into the bathroom picking up the Gatorade I put down in there and Liams phone that he was even to weak to pick up.

I came back out setting Liams phone on his side table and helping Liam to sit up so he could drink some Gatorade.

"Hear" I said while taking the cap off the Gatorade and handing it to him but he refused.

"Liam you need to drink this, please"

"I-i-i don't w-wanna throw u-up anymore" He barely stuttered out.

I could see the pain in his eyes and I felt terrible.

"Trust me Li drink some and lay down and if you need to throw up I'll help you. I promise."

He signed taking the drink from me. He sipped it a few times and handed it back. I put it on his side table next to his phone and I got up from his bed.

"Well you should try and sleep a little ill go see if I can find you some medicine but if you need me just yell and I'll be right here." I said and started to walk away.

"N-no Niall don't go, please stay here with me."

"But lia-"

"Please" He looked at me with his puppy dog eyes and I melted inside.

I turned his bedroom light off and walked over to his bed again sitting on it.

"Lay down" He whispered.

I listened and layed down next to him. It felt uncomfortable for a few moments until Liam turned himself towards me enough where I could just see his gorgeous face.

"Thank You Ni"

"Your welcome"

I thought he was gonna turn back over but instead he moved closer to me laying his head on my chest and leaning his freezing body against mine. It sent chills through my own body. I didn't really no what to do because I didn't wanna mess anything up so I wrapped my arms around Liam holding him close.

"I'm so sorry Nialler for everything." He whispered out.

"Shhhh we can talk about it later just get some rest."

He glanced up at me.

"I love you"

I was confused. I wasn't sure if I should say it back or not. I do love him but its so hard to.

"I-i love you to Li now please get some rest." I finally said.

He snuggled up to me even closer and closed his eyes.

I'm glad he's getting sleep but what am I doing? I'm moving this way to fast again... just the other day we were fighting because of Zayn and Greg and now I'm taking care of him while he's sick and cuddling with him in his bed! Why do I do this to myself. Why does Liam make me wanna go so fast? I guess I can just pray that everything ends up, well somewhat okay.





~Sorry this is a short one but I hope you enjoy and please please vote and comment letting me no what you lovelys think!!! Thanks <3333~

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