5.) Disappointment

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*Niall's Dream*

"Liam don't please" I tried begging him before he hit me again as Zayn and Greg laughed in the background.

I was bleeding from my head but Liam didn't seem to care he just keep hitting me over and over again!



"Niall Niall Wake Up!"

He jumped up, looked at me and tried to run off the couch but lost his balance since he's still so weak and fell hard to the floor. He cried out in both what seemed like pain and complete terror.

"Niall stop, Calm Down, Its okay it was just a bad dream, your okay" I tried calming him. I helped him back on the couch and he just sat there and stared at the hard wood floor.

After a little while I broke the tense silence.


"Y-yea?" He barely got out.

"What was your nightmare about?"

He lifted his head to look at me and started crying again. I hugged him tight.

"Please Ni tell me."

"You kept hurting me and you didn't care, I was even bleeding and Zayn and Greg were laughing at me to" He cried some more.

"I'll never hurt you ever again."


"I promise" I pulled him into another hug and thought to myself, how could someone so sweet and beautiful get so much hate? How could I have even been one of those people who gave it to him. I'm so stupid. I miss my best mate more then anything.

I was so in thought until Niall spoke again.

"Liam will you promise me something else to?"

"O-of course, what Is it?"

"You won't let Zayn or Greg hurt me anymore?"

"Nialler I Promise to never let anyone hurt you anymore!"

"I've missed you Li!" He said while hugging me.

"I've missed you to Ni!"


When I pulled away from Liam I smiled but that faded away when I looked down at my bandaged up wrist.

"God I'm so pathetic!" I muttered out.

"No your not, your absolutely fine." Liam spoke even tho I was hoping he didn't hear me.

"Liam it doesn't bother you that I'm gay?" I just blurted out not even thinking.

"Ha Ni I have nothing at all against gays, I fully support them. Actually Niall there's something I should probably tell you, I'm - ."

The doorbell went off ruining the moment. Liam let out a frustrated sigh.


"I'm sorry I'll just go get rid of whoever that is" I got up and walked to the door not even looking to see who it is and just open the door.

"Hey Liam!" Danielle chirped.

"U-u-h Danielle what are you doing here?"

"To talk duh and hopefully hang out afterwards." She pushed her way inside past me and I didn't no what to do, she would see Niall and tell Zayn and Greg and I didn't need them knowing just yet especially having them come over here and hurt Niall again.

I saw her turn the corner where the livingroom is and she walked into it. I was standing by the door waiting for her to yell and stomp out but that never happened.


I was confused. I walked into the livingroom and only saw Danielle, No Niall. I looked around and didn't see him.

"Uh Earth to Liam, what are you looking for?"

"Um Danielle now really isn't a good time, I think you should leave please."


"Just please go... I-i'm not feeling very well and my mom should be home soon" I lied hoping she'll leave.

"But your mom doesn't get mom for a few hours and I could stay and take care of you"

"No uh my mom will be getting home earlier then usual tonight so I'm could."

"Whatever Liam jezz your so stubborn sometimes!" She scuffed while leaving.

Thank god that's over! I sighed with relief.

"Niall! Where Are You?" I yelled.

I went to yell again but he came around the corner looking very disappointed.

"What's Wrong? Are You Okay? Where did you go?" I rambled on.

"Li I'm fine... When I heard Danielles voice I got up and went into the kitchen hoping Zayn and Greg weren't with her."

"oh" was all I could say.

"I wish you didn't have to hide me" he looked hurt.

"It won't always be like this Niall I promise!" I said pecking his cheek. His cheeks turned bright red.

"Oh god I'm sorry Niall" I apologized.

"Haha Li its fine." He blushed some more and so did I.

"Liam I'm bored."

"Haha, wanna go up in my room?" I asked.

"Now thats a place I haven't seen in a long long time! Sure!"

We slowly walked upstairs since Niall was gradually getting is own strength back. When we made it to my room I open the door and let Niall in first.

"Wow." He said

"What, You don't like it?"

"No actually it's almost exactly how I pictured it... Very clean haha"

I nudged him with my elbow as he laughed. Man that laugh was so contagious and his smile just light up the room. I can't remember the last time I actually heard him laugh and saw him really smile.

He walked over to my bed and plopped down then layed back.

I went over next to him and did the same.

"I never thought I'd ever be back in your room again after everything that has happened."

"I know Its Crazy right. I'm glad you are though."

"Me to! Oh U-uh Li before Danielle came you were about to tell me something, what was it?"

I froze remembering what I was gonna tell him.

"Eh it's nothing" I said looking at the ceiling.

"Noooo Li Pleaseee tell meee" He said whining and I saw he had turned his body facing me and he was holding his head up with his hand looking curiously at me.

"Umm Well .... " I Started.

~Hey lovelys Vote and let me no what you think in the comments about this chapter or the the whole story! and I'm sorry for any errors I didn't cetch<3~

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