12.) Defending

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"Hey mum would you drop me off at Niall's house?" I yelled down stairs.

"Why can't you drive yourself?" She hollered back.

"I don't know will you just please take me." I whined.

"Fine come on..."

I grabbed my jacket, slinging it on as I run out the door in front of my mom. She shut the door behind her clearly a little irritated. She signed climbing into the drivers seat and turning the car on. I was debating rather to text Niall and tell him I'm coming or just surprise the lad.

'Hey Ni!'

'Hiya Haz'

'Watcha doing?'

'Nothing just laying in bed, what about you'

'How fun and nothing really, just taking a Cruz with my mum'


'Eh I guess so, how are you feeling?'

'I'm alright I suppose, just extremely tired.'

I read Niall last text as we pulled into his driveway. I thanked my mom and watched her drive away. I knocked on the door gently, waiting in the cool breeze. Finally the door opens and Nialls mother greets me.

"Hello Harry come on in!"

"Hi Mrs. Horan" We hugged for a second and pulled away.

"I had no idea you were coming over. Usually Niall mentions it."

"Actually Niall doesn't know I'm here either. I wanted to surprise him!"

"Awe that's so sweet. He could definitely use some cheering up. Go on up I believe he's still in his room."


I walked quietly upstairs and to Nialls room. Instead of knocking I just slowly open his door. All I can see is darkness. I stepped in almost tripping over something.

"Niall" I whispered and no response.

I took a few more steps in what I hoped was the direction toward his bed. Then I heard faint little snores and breaths being taken. I walked closer to them and realized I could be using the light on my phone. I pulled my phone out and shined it a little in front of me. I saw a cute little Niall sleeping all wrapped up in his blankets. I turned my flash on and decided to take a few pictures to sent Liam. I tapped Niall a few times and he still didn't wake up.

I guess he wasn't kidding when he said he was extremely tired.

I grabbed his shoulders and shook him and his eyes shoot open.

"AHHHHHH!!!" He screamed.

"Niall Niall dude Calm down its just me Harry," I turned his lamp on next to his bed so he could see me.

"Jezz Haz you gave me a heart attack! What in the world are you doing here anyway?" He looked confused and shocked.

"I came over to see how you were and talk with you, you know like a weird girl sleepover!" I laughed.

"Umm okay," he chuckled a little while He rubbed his eyes and yawned which made me yawn to.

"So Niall uh uh um how are things with um Liam going, anything uh new happen?" I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck, looking a little away from Nialls face, trying not to make eye contact.

"Oh God Haz please tell me you didn't!"

"What are y-you talking about." I gulped.

"You texted Liam didn't you?!!"

"Y-yeah, I'm sorry Ni I didn't think you would be this upset about it."

"I thought I told you to delete his number and never to text him!" He ran a shaky hand through his messy blonde hair.

"I had to Niall! I can tell how much you care about him!"

"But that's my business, not yours" He groaned loudly.

"Lets be honest here mate, you weren't gonna be able to do anything!"

He sighed and looked down.

"Listen Ni I was just trying to help, not start a fight or more trouble I swear!"

"I know..." was all he whispered back.

"Niall look at me, okay Liam is a good guy and I know he cares about you to."

He glanced up at me and I saw a tear fall down his rosey cheek.

"He hurt me Harry, I should have never of trusted him or even liked him in the first place, he's a liar and a huge jerk!" His voice gradually got louder with every word.

"You don't understand what he did was to protect you Niall!" I tried to defend Liam.

Another tear left his eye and he sniffled.

"What do you mean?"

"I-i actually can't talk to you about it all but I will eventually once everything gets straightened out I promise."

"I thought I loved him, I've liked him for so long and actually hugging him and just being with him made me feel so much more. I guess I was just to blinded to see who he really is and always has been."

"I'm so sorry I can't tell you everything because I know it would help but I can't. You just have to trust me when I say please please don't give up on Liam. I never gave on Louis and look where were at now! Please Niall I know you still love him and he loves you, you just have to take a breath and think before you freak out and do or say something your going to regret."

"Harry I already said something to him that now I'm really starting to regret."

"Niall if it's I love y-"

"I Hate You..." He trailed off and the room got uncomfortably quiet.




~I Love those star things^ lol and I Love You guys lol VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE!!!!~

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