Falling in love with my brother's best friend?!? Chapter 3

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Taylor's POV

I walk out of my last class of the day and to the parking lot.

"Hey, Tay-Tay!" I hear someone trying to catch up with me. I turn around to see Mira lugging her backpack and her bag for the sleepover tonight.

"Hey Mira. Need some help?" I ask suppressing a chuckle.

"Nah, I'm good thanks though" She smiles.

"So have you thought about what we should do to Mikey tonight?" I question.

"No. He's your brother, so you should think of something." She replies harshly.

"Geez. Okay, fine. What's up with you?" I wonder.

"Sorry, nothing. The lunch today was a bit..Disturbing toward my tummy." Miranda replies hesitantly, although she does sound like she is hiding something from me.

I smile. "Uh huh sure." I suppress another laugh; I've always had the ability to tell when Mira was hiding something from me.

We continue walking to the car when we hear a beep.

As we jump out of the way I turn to the car and hear "Watch where you’re going!" A familiar voice says. Oh what a joy it is to have a brother as sweet and considerate as Mikey. (Note the sarcasm.)

"Why don't you watch where you’re going?" I question him.

"Because that wouldn't be as fun." Mike laughed.

I open my trunk to put mine and Miranda's bag in it when I suddenly hear a splash. I turn to face the noise but instead I'm faced with a gallon of puddle water. "MIKEY! YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT.LITERALLY!"

"Am I really sister dearest? Or is that you just trying to be assertive." He asks cockily.

"BOTH!" I run to Mike's car and punch his face. Ah, sweet victory. I love the look on Mike's face but I notice that he isn't alone. Drew's in the car with him.

"Oh hi Drew. Enjoying the show I'm putting on?" I ask in my best voice.

"Yea. Thanks. Maybe you can put a better show on later while I'm over your house." Drew says in his deep sexy voice.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Deep Sexy? Since when do I think Drew's voice is deep and...And Sexy?

Referring to what he said, I blushed like fifteen million shades of red.

"Um, who said you can come over my house?" I wonder quite rudely.

Drew just smirked and said “Who’s my best friend?"

Oh yea. Forgot about that one.

"Well I hope you two have fun with your little gay sleepover." I reply.

"You've got nothing to worry Taylor; I don't like your brother that way." Drew retorted.

"Why would I have to worry?" I ask "Your little skank of a girlfriend is the one who has to worry."

I looked at Drew's face dead on and notice his face kind of...fell at the mention of Brittany's name.

"Yea, I guess you’re right." Was all Drew said.

"Okay, so you guys go get ready for your little guy slumber party and me and Miranda will go get ready for ours." I say rather loudly.

"Whatever." Mikey said and sped off.

Not noticing how quiet Mira was being I turned to her and grinned. "Now tonight is gonna be the best pranking of pranks in the history of pranks."

All Mira did was smile hugely and walked over to my car.

"Okay Wal-Mart or K-mart first?" She asked.

I looked questioningly at her."For what exactly?"

"All of our supplies." I grinned widely and hopped into my camero next to her and revved the engine.

"Next stop: Wal mart!" I yelled out the window.

Here's to one hell of a night.

Falling in love with my brother's best friend?!? *Main Characters*Where stories live. Discover now