Falling in love with my brother's best friend?!? Chapter 6

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Five in the morning...

"Taylor..." I heard Drew say.

"Yea Drew?"

"I've wanted to do this a long time...just stay still okay?" Drew continued.

I feel his hands wrap around my waist and pull me closer. Unsure of what's going on I stay still just like he asked.

Suddenly his lips are on mine, soft and sweet. Just like candy. The way his mouth molds perfectly to mine is just like a Fairytale.

It feels like the kiss is getting rougher but I honestly don't mind. How his hands just roam up and down my back makes my spine shiver.

I guess Drew felt the shiver because he pulled away slowly and smiled...

Taylor's POV

I woke up then,Drew smiled? After kissing me?! WHAT THE HELL?! Why am I dreaming such weird things? His smile was beautiful. I'm not exaggerating either. Drew's teeth were white and his dimples were adorable. But just the way he looked was breathtaking.

I tried stretching like I always do when I wake up but something was on my waist. I tried again but still couldn't move. It felt like...hands? I turned around so I could face the other way and came alarmingly close to a face.

DREW?!Why are Drew's arms around me? Here's a better question why am I sleeping with Drew?

I felt around to make sure my clothes were still on.Yup virginity still intact. I tried pulling away slowly but that caused Drew's grip to just pull tighterdamn it.

Looks like I'll be sleeping like this for awhile. It's not like I mind or anything I just don't want Mikey to come down and see this. Or even...Mira? Where is she?

Suddenly I felt Drew stir. I close my eyes in case he woke up so it wouldn't look like I was staring at him. Because let's face it. Who wants someone staring at them when they wake up? I wouldn't. I knew Drew was yawning because I could feel his breath on my face.Mmm. He smells like vanilla and cinnamon.I smile a small smile.

I just wish I could look at him while he was sleeping again...

Drew's POV

It felt like something was moving next to me so I slowly opened m eyes. Lying in front of me was Taylor.God she's beautiful. The way her hair lays on her face is just amazing. Brittany never looks like this when I wake up. It's more like her sprawled out drooling on my pillow.It was SO hard to fall asleep last night. I couldn't close my eyes without thinking about Taylor. I think I had a dream about her but I can't remember. I yawned. Taylor smiled...What was she dreaming about?

I felt like I should be possessive of her...but why? She isn't mine. She belongs to that jerk Tyler. I thought about him with as much disgust that I could muster. Taylor deserves much better than that dirt bag.

Just so I could feel that I can have her for a little bit I pull her closer and rest my head on her neck. So now it's like I'm hugging her.I hope Mikey doesn't come down to see this...

Taylor's POV

Drew's hands pulled me closer to him so now we were hugging and he rested his head on my neck.MMM even his cologne smells yummy...Tyler never smells this good. I should tell him to get this cologne or something.

I can't help it anymore! I've gotta open my eyes.

All I see is the darkness surrounding the living room.Am I really that close to Drew? Well I guess I could make the most of it.

I put my hands around Drew's waist and put my leg around his and hugged him tight for a second. I sighed quietly...I could lay like this forever...

Drew's POV

Taylor's hands immediately went around my waist and her leg went around mine and she hugged me for a second...I thought about what I could do to her with her like this, but I decided against it.I could lie like this forever...

Falling in love with my brother's best friend?!? *Main Characters*Where stories live. Discover now