Falling in love with my brother's best friend?!? Chapter 4

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Taylor's POV

"Your total is $33.91" The cute Wal-mart clerk guy said. "Damn, revenge is expensive." I muttered and handed this guy the money. I better pick Mira up from K-mart. Wonder what she got.

I walked out into the parking lot and put my revenge kit into the passenger seat. I backed my baby out of the stall and drove onto the road. My mind wondered to incident that had happened earlier with Drew.Do I really think his voice is sexy? I mean him and Mikey have been best friends forever. Why I am just thinking like this n-A loud honk brought me back to reality. A very large truck was heading in my direction. Holy FRIG! I quickly swerved to my right to avoid head on collision, but then I heard a high pitch squealing noise...Oh God no, PLEASE God no! I pulled into the nearest lot which happened to be a Wawa. Stepping out of my car I closed my eyes and held my breath as I peaked to see the damage. "Just dandy. JUST FRIGGIN FLIPPING DANDY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. People started to stare at me.

"What? You got a problem with someone screaming in a parking lot?!" I yelled at them. "NEWS FLASH: I'M NOT NORMAL!" They quickly went back to their business and left me alone to my screaming frenzy.

The truck that passed me? Well the jerk face that he is scratched up against my camero. There's barely any paint left on the left side!How am I going to explain this to my mom? Better yet, my dad?

My phone ringing took my mind off the car for awhile.

"Jell-O?" I answered

"Yellow, hey where are you?" Mira asked.

I explained what happened and got my ear drum blown out.

"WHAT! WHO THE HELL DID IT?! Lemme at 'em" she screamed.

I laughed quietlyI love her "Mira it's okay I doubt the guy that did it will even knows he did it..Well he will when he sees the paint on the side of his truck."

The other side of the line was silent "..Miranda?"

"He. Took. The. Paint. Off. The. Car?!" She screamed again.

"Yea, but no worries I can get it fixed before my parents get home next week."

That seemed to calm her down a little bit."Okay good" Mira replied.

My parents flew down to Virginia. Don't ask me why. They do it allllll the time...Without me and Mikey. I sighed. They leave two grand and leave to go spend triple that. I didn't even realize that Miranda was still talking.

"-we can take it to the shop Friday if you'd like." She offered.

I smiled "Thanks Miranda, that'd be really awesome."

"Any time bestie." We both laughed.

"So, you gonna come pick me up or are you gonna go home and do all this pranking yourself." Mira stated.

"I'm on my way Mira!" I jumped back in the car and sped to K-mart.


Ten minutes later we were scheming in my room on what to do.

"Why don't we wait till there sleeping and draw on their faces?" I suggested.

Mira looked at me like I was crazy! "Drawing? Is that all you got Coswell!" She whispered yelled.

"Well what do you have in mind Harmon?" I ask her.

"Okay, when they fall asleep we go to the fridge and get the syrup I bought. We pour it on their clothes. THEN, we grab the nail polish and paint their nails. Thirdly, I take the baby blanket I bought and put it in Mikey's hands so it looks like he's holding it. And lastly? We put these on them." Mira held up two wigs, one black and one brown.

Falling in love with my brother's best friend?!? *Main Characters*Where stories live. Discover now