When you're trapped...

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1. Don't antagonize the killer.

2. Don't cry. It won't help.

3. Cry. It won't help, but you might feel better.

4. Go along with what the killer is saying.

5. Keep the killer talking. You'll survive longer. But you'll still die.

6. Don't expect to be rescued.  Everyone else is already dead.

7. Don't scream. No one cares and the killer likes the sound.

8. If you do scream, make sure it's high-pitched. The killer might look away to cover his/her ears.

9. Tell Scottie to beam you up.

10. Start spinning until you turn into Wonder Woman. This will confuse the killer and you might be able to escape.

11. Call on Jareth the Goblin King for help. He probably won't respond, but at least you tried.

12. Try to use a Patronus charm. And fail. And die. Painfully.

13. Pull the cap off your pen and expect it to become a sword.

14. Pull the cap off your pen and become the author of the story. Unsuccessfully.

15. Climb that tree that just magically appeared behind you.

16. Break through the wall!

17. Throw a Snickers at the killer and say "You're not you when you're hungry!"

18. Flirt your way out of the situation. Warning: does not work with most killers.

19. Start talking about how killing you is a bad idea, and how you're practically a god/goddess where you're from. Basically, lie.

20. Ignore everything I said earlier. Just die.

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