Untold secrets.

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I woke up and I was in a black Cadillac,I sat up straight ,I felt the pain in the back of my head.I groaned.

"Good morning beautiful"The guy looked at me in the mirror then back at the road

"Who are you?" I felt like yelling and screaming and kicking,but I couldn't,I felt weak I don't no why but I had absolutely no energy.

"A friend of Hunter's,my name is Joey by the way"

"Maddie"I sighed

"You think I don't know that?he talks about you non-stop"

I smiled kind of "Uhm...so where are we going?"

"You'll see"he sighed

"How do I know that your actually a friend of his?" I rest my head on the door looking out the window

"Well,I know Hunter isn't a virgin,also that he saved you from getting hit by a car,and you've slept with him twice."

I nodded "Why did you have to hurt me?you could of just asked me to come with you"

"When I tried to grab you,you started sprinting,also Hunter told me that I could hurt you if you didn't listen,just not badly"

"How do you even know him?" I sighed

"I'm part of his gang" he said turning a corner

"A gang?what do you do in this gang?"my eyes widened

"Wow Hunter was right he hasn't told you anything"he laughed

"Answer my question!" I said annoyed

"Don't get sassy with me,you won't go see Hunter if you keep that up,and I don't feel comfortable answering that question,ask Hunter when we get there"

I just sighed and said "okay"and went back to sleep

I woke up to someone carrying me into a huge house,maybe a mansion,I looked up to see Joey

"I can walk" I sighed

"No you can't,your on to much medicine"


"I had to give you medication before you went back to sleep so you didn't have a migraine again when you woke up"he opened the door

"Where's Hunter?"I looked around and saw a bunch of guys,they were all good looking but I wanted Hunter.

"I'm getting there" he sighed

All the guys were whispering I could hear some of them .

Joey brought me upstairs and opened a door,Hunter was sitting a bed,with a girl.

I looked at Joey "who is that?"


"Ok and why is she with Hunter?"

"Maybe you should ask him all these questions,seeing since he doesn't seem to tell you anything"he glared at Hunter

Hunter stood up and walked over to us "Good job you got the right girl"he joked

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