Chapter 1 The Newcomer

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The Valley – that’s where I live. I moved here with my parents six years ago. I’m a sophomore student. I love high school, don’t you? It’s the time to all have the fun, the mistakes and explore things.

I’m not rich but I’m not that poor, either. I hate being left alone. It makes me feel . . . well, lonely. I pretty suck at Math but who doesn’t, right? Anyway, I still ride the school bus. Oh yes, that stinky yellow orange bus with black bold letters on the side thingy. But it’s okay. Dad promised to get me a car.

I smiled brightly and greeted back familiar faces as I climbed the school bus. I went to sit one of my close girlfriends, Sulli and greeted her. She moved to the side to give me space to sit in. I settled myself comfortably when the bus turned deafeningly silent. I looked up and saw Kwon Jiyong, my neighbor climbed in. His shoulder-length hair hung at the side of face untidily. As usual, there were dark circle under his eyes, a few cuts and bruises along his cheeks and arms. His usual all-black getup only made him scarier than the rumors surrounding him. Of course, Kwon Jiyong, riding a school bus is something. . . unsettling since he doesn’t usually take a bus. He always walks to the school. He rarely sleeps in his house, either.

There was a brief moment that he looked up at me before heading at the very back of the bus, alone. As soon as he was seated, the happy chattering resumed.

“Gosh! I think I’m going to have an anxiety attack!” I heard a voice from behind me.

“Me, too!” another answered. “I can’t stand to be around him for long! Who knows? He might have another of his killing spree all of the sudden?”

That’s not really new. He got some reputation build up. Eventhough he’s my neighbor, we never talk, well except one time, some long time ago. It was when I first moved in here. I tried to befriend him but he’s quite not friendly and approachable, not to say we’re opposite. I’m Ms. Rainbow while he’s Mr. Darkness. I hate to be alone while he’s always alone. Of course, the rumors about him and his family stopped any of my attempts in befriending him for a time, Mom forbade me. Lately, I heard he’s involve in underground matches, underground fights. Maybe that explains all the cuts and bruises. But I find it hard to believe because of his body built.

“So, tell me. How’s Jaesuk?” Sulli asked.

I rolled my eyes. “Sulli, I’m not his mother”

“I know but you know what I mean. C’mon, give the poor guy a chance. He’s been into you eversince he first laid eyes on you”

I scoffed. “look, I’ve already done that. I went on a date with him but it turned out to be the biggest disaster date in my life, in the world. I gave it a chance but there’s just no spark”

I shuddered at memory of the disastrous date. Ugh! Why is it that the things you most want to forget are the ones that cling to your mind? If only I have the power to turn back time or wipe that certain memory, I would. I’d gladly accept amnesia right now. Yeah, I’m that desperate.

I had my share with relationships. I don’t involve myself if I don’t have any feelings. The problem is, I easily fall in love but I also easily fall out of love. Sulli said it isn’t really love, just infatuation. Oh well, she doesn’t really know how I feel, does she?

It’s kind of disappointing, actually. I can’t seem to have the “eye” for someone, unlike my parents. They had the most perfect and wonderful love story. It was love at first sight for the both of them. And, what’s more amazing is that their first love is each other. I want that. I want it simple, no complications. They just knew they were meant for each other. Romantic, right?

We arrived in school in high spirits. Not long after that, the school bell rang. I waved goodbye to Sulli since we have different classes for the first period. But we’ll see each other later anyways. I was on my way to class when o started hearing the girls TALK, giggle and squeal. I didn’t pause to ask but based from what I heard, there’s a new kid in school that’s sweeping all of the girls’ heart. They made it sound like he’s as perfect as a God. I shook my head at this. Reality check guys, nobody’s perfect. But the talks and whispers made me curious about his transfer student.

It seemed like the new student isn’t just making wave to the female crowd. As I entered class, I saw and heard the boys rumbling about the new kind. Judging by the way they looked and sounded, I’ll call sour grape. Now, my curiosity only heightened. This new guy isn’t just sweeping the girls off their feet, but giving the boys a run for their lives.

It went out through the whole day. Even the teachers were talking about him, most especially the women. Actually, the teachers never talked of anything else except his new guy. Our supposed to be lesson discussion turned out as “transfer student discussion”. No wonder the education system of the world is falling out of its standards.

By the time lunch came, my curiosity is already killing me. I went to the school outdoor cafeteria and saw my friends were already yin our usual spot – under the shade of the tree. I greeted Sulli, Luna and Victoria.

“Hey, have you guys seen the new kid?” I asked.

“Nope. But I think we’ll see him anytime soon. Unless he’s not going to eat lunch” Luna said.

“Where’s Krystal by the way?” I asked Victoria. They’re just always together.

“She said she’ll be here. She just went to meet someone” she answered.

I bit into my apple and chewed slowly. I took out a romance novel and started reading.

“Hey girls!” I heard Krystal’s cheerful voice.

“Hi Krystal” I greeted back without looking up. I frowned when I didn’t hear the others greet her back. I looked away from the book and looked at my friends. They had their jaws dropped; eyes wide open as they stared up ahead. I followed their gazes and EVERYTHING and EVERYONE else were shoved out of my mind. It took a lot of my energy and self preservation not to drop my jaw and drool or even scream at the top of my lungs.

Who is this Godlike creature? He’s perfect. He’s beautiful.

His lips curved in a lopsided smile. It gave me the impression that he’s quite used to reactions like these. Oh dear, I think I’m having a heart attack.

“Girls, this is my cousin, Kim Jaejoong. He just moved in here” Krystal introduced. “These are my friends, Victoria, Luna, Sulli and Dara”

So, he’s the new kid. And he’s the cousin of Krystal.

“Hi! Just call me Jae”

“Hi, nice to meet you” Luna and Victoria chorused, hands held out. With a soft chuckle, Jae (oh yes, we’re in first name basis already) accepted. He turned to Sulli and smiled at her, holding his hand out. Sulli shyly and timidly accepted his hand, her hand trembling so much it’s like she’s being electrocuted. And then, he turned to me. Just like in movies, everything went into slow motion as he held his hand out.

I accepted his hand then smiled at him, too. My mind went blank the moment our skin touched..

“Nice to meet you, Dara” he slowly said, his voice caressed each word. Ooh, I love how he said my name. It sounded different coming from him. And it didn’t escape my notice how our handshake seemed to linger compared to the others. Not that I’m competing. I just noticed.

When Jae and Krystal were settled down, the interview started. I didn’t join them, I just listened. I can’t trust myself to speak. I might end up squealing and shouting out of giddiness. I pretended to be absorbed by the book but even Judith McNaught wasn’t able to keep my attention on her novel.

All in all, he just wanted to be independent so he moved out. I was itching to ask him why here, of all places? But I stopped myself and silently thanked the fate for letting this happen.

“Who’s that?” he asked. I looked up and saw him looking sideways. I followed his gaze and my eyes landed on Kwon Jiyong, sitting alone in his usual table. “Is it just me or everyone seems cowering away from him?”

“That’s Kwon Jiyong” Victoria answered, not hiding the disgust in her voice.

“Bad company, cous” Krystal said.

“Why?” he asked curiously. I looked down at my book again and sighed.

“If you value your life, stay away from him” Luna said.

“Why?” he asked again.

“Because he’s a murderer”


“He killed his own father” I wearily sighed, keeping my voice neutral. I tossed the book aside and leaned my arms on the table. I looked at the newcomer straight in the face and added, “I was there”

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