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I couldn't help but grin like a crazy. Because I've got his jacket on me and this was the best opportunity for the next date. Ofcourse this doesn't count as a date but I'll make this work. I promise.

I entered the same old cafe we were sitting before I went to the park. Girls were looking at me with wide eyes. I rushed to the table we were sitting and let out a laugh that everybody had heard.

"Did you see what just happened?" I asked as I kept giggling and grinning at the same time. "Look I even got his jacket. "

"How'd it go?" Melanie asked as the silly She is."Your eyes are red. Were you really crying over there?" She asked. I gotta say she was impressed.

"Of course i did. What did you think?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"What'd you tell him?" Rose asked, raising her eyebrows. And sending me that annoyed look. I know she doesn't like what i just did but she was being so annoying.

Since other girls wonder too i kept speaking.

"I told him that i had lost my child so when i see children playing that i remember him and get emotional. " i said with a victorious smile on my face.

"You're genius." Melanie looked at me in awe.

"I know." I said, proud myself.

"That's really mean. When did you get so mean ... You literally played with his emotions." Rose raised her voice.

"So what huh? I'm just doing what I wanted for years. " I said, raising my voice as well.

"Doing whatever you want doesn't mean you can play with somebody else's emotions. That's not how it works." She pointed out. Which I completely agreed. She was right. But I was pissed off and I wasn't backing down. She should have known by now that I was stubborn and I wouldn't stop untill I get what I want. So I missed the point on purpose.

"Are you jealous or something? Are you doing this just because you're still single and you don't have the chance to seduce the band member you admired for years." I said cold heartedly, narrowing my eyes as well.

"You know what. I don't care what you're gonna do. But I'm not watching you hurt somebody." She said as she stood up. "And last off all this won't end up good for you. Just saying." Then she stormed out the coffee shop.

I rolled my eyes and let out a frustrated sigh.

"Ignore her. You know how she is. " Lilly said as she played with her blonde hair.

"Yeah. I'm so excited for this." Melanie commented childishly.

"God, she sucked up all the joy in me." I said as i grabbed my purse and Kellin's jacket. " Anyways I'm going, see you guys later." I waved at them as I left the coffee shop.

Once I was out I glanced around to check if Kellin's here. Luckily he wasn't so made my way to car and drove home.

When I got home I found my roommate Delanie watching TV in the living room. I said hi to her as I set my keys on the counter. I plopped myself next to her on the comfy couch. She was focused on TV so she was kind of ignoring me.

"What's up D?" I asked as I grabbed one of the chips from her hand. She nodded and murmured something in response.

"Yeah me too." I said as I went to stand up she turned her face to me and her eyes went wide.

"What the fuck. You look like shit." She was sort of shocked.

"What why?" I said as I went to look at the mirror we had in the doorway.

When I looked at my reflection I saw my make-up smudged. My mascara was already on my under eye area and my eye shadow was no where to be seen. Luckily I don't usually put eyeliner.

"Oh about that. I have a lot to tell you." I stated going back to her.

"What? What happened? Did someone attack you? I'm sorry I won't ignore you while I'm watching TV, ever again." She said, going extra dramatic.

"Calm down girl. " I said. Took a deep breath and started telling everything had happened this afternoon. She already knew that I was obsessed about bands couple years ago because she was too. We used to go to concert and stuff in college together. We had been roommates for a quite long time now so we pretty much know everything about each other.

After I told her everything her mouth hanged opened. She glared at me for a long time then finally spoke.

"Are you serious? Did you see him and you didn't call me? I shouldn't let you go with your stupid high school friends." She pouted.

"I'm sorry D. But I promise you. I'll have him meet you." I sent her an assuring smile.

"Well I'm not sure about that. I don't think you can seduce him." She said folding her arms over her chest.

"Excuse me? " i said, chuckling nervously." Do you hear what you're saying? It's me we are talking about here." I pointed out." I wont stop untill i get what i want." I narrowed my eyes. And sent her death glares.

"Oh yeah well. Also it's Kellin we are talking about here." She tried to look serious but I knew she was holding back laughter. "I don't think he'll be in a relationship after divorcing Katelynn."

"I'm not looking for a serious relationship. I just want to get him into bed. After that, my mission is completed. " I said, grinning at the thought.

"It's a bet then. You'll do that and we'll exchange our cars." She offered.

"Oh my god. Yes yes!" I exclaimed, squealing like a crazy. Her car was way better than mine. I always wanted a car like that. My job was fine so I had a decent car but hers was amazing.

"And D. Consider it done babe." I winked at her as i made my way to my room.

A/N: Leave comments and vote if you enjoyed lovely people. -M

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