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~Dark Lillie~ chapter nineteen

That whole day had pasted before anyone came down into the basement. I had kept telling Heather how weird I felt. My arms were like jello, I felt hot, and I was shaking. It could just be the feel of panic but I had a feeling it was more then that. Anyways, Sawyer, comes down shutting the door behind him. I'm furious at him. And at myself. I try to get up off the ground, to punch him as hard as I can, but my knees buckle and I stumble, falling into him.

"Woah there, looks like you need another dose," He says supporting me.

"Stay the hell away from us!" I yell pushing away from him. "What's going on! Where are we!"

"Your in Mexico." He says taking a step closer. I take a step back not liking this game with him.

"M-Mexico?" Heather barley gets out. My eyes tear up. How was Niall suppose to find me in fucking Mexico! Who am I kidding, Niall probably isn't even looking for me. I don't blame him.

"When the fuck, no, how the fuck did we get into Mexico Sawyer!" I yell my blood starting to boil. He sighs.

"You wouldn't remember anyway."

"Well why are we here!" Heather demands clenching her fists.

"Your not the only ones....I'm really not suppose to be telling you this. I just came down here to give you something, to help you feel... better."

"You better fucking tell us Sawyer," I spit threw grit teeth. He sighs again.

"I go out and search for girls, get them...ready, I guess, for the auction."

"Auction? What are you talking about!" I yell horrified. I hear Heather sigh behind me and I turn my gaze on her. She has her fingers in her hair, as she plops down on the couch.

"I-Its like, I-I mean, he means, we're like sex slaves Lillie." She cries. My eyes widen as I snap my head to Sawyer. He's avoiding eye contact with me.

"No!" I growl, suddenly throwing my body at him, crashing us both into the ground. "GO!" I shriek at Heather. She's surprised at first but then jumps up running to the door. I try pinning Sawyer down beneath me, but him obviously out weighing me throws me off him. He jumps up heading after Heather who had successfully gotten out of the unlocked door. I jump up, feeling week, but that doesn't stop me from jumping onto Sawyers back, and digging my nails into his face, as I lean my weight back, shifting gravity to my favor. He howls out in pain, trying to get me off him. He rams his back into a wall, crushing me into it and the mirror that hung there as well. I scream when I feel the shards go into my back. Sawyer steps forward letting me fall to the ground with a thump. I try to get up, even though excruciating pain ripples through my body, but Sawyer pushes me back down on my back again causing me to scream again. Especially when he pins me down. I scream bloody murder trying to kick or hit him. But not only does it fail because he's got my hands pined up with only one of his hands, but the pain was so bad I felt like I was going to throw up. He reaches for his briefcase that he brought down with him, taking out a syringe looking thing. Of course this makes me scream louder, but he just holds his grip down tighter on me.

"You brought this on yourself Lillie," He grunts, trying to stick it in my arm. As I struggle I can hear someone else screaming in the distance as well. Heather. I feel a piercing prick in my left arm causing me to scream and cry harder. Sawyer gets off me finally and as soon as he does, I of course try making a break for it again. It doesn't work out. First of all I can barely move, do to the shards of glass in my back, so that makes me fall right back down on my face. Secondly, the drug starts to kick in. Gravity starts to work against me, my eye vision slowly blurs, and everything begins to feel numb. Sound, vision, touch, everything being robbed from me and there was nothing I could do about it. Expect lay there and let it happen, until everything became familiarly black.

Sawyer's P.O.V

She finally stopped struggling, as I basically watched the drug set in. I wasn't planning on doing it like this. Being so rough with her, but she gave me no choice. Vince, one of my bosses body guards, came in with Heather over his shoulder. Looked like he knocked her out cold. He sets her down, giving me a nod, then leaves. I look back to Lillie and she's out cold as well. I notice the blood seeping through her shirt though , from the tiny glass shards in her back. Yeah, I didn't really intend for that to happen either. I sigh, going over to her and picking her up. I pull out the futon and lay her on her stomach. Her light brown hair fell over her cheeks, cover all of her face basically. I gently brush the waves away, surfacing up her petite features. My hands made there way down to the hem of her shirt. Although I've seen Lillie naked before, I obviously still felt weird about doing this without her knowing. But why should I care? She was going to be occasioned off to someone else anyway. Well that is if my bosses boss places a bid on her. Besides I was trying to help her get the shards of glass out. I quickly slip off the shirt, careful not to make the bleeding worse. Not going to lie I felt bad about this whole thing. About bringing her here. I shouldn't be caring about her the way I am. Its getting in the way of what I need to focus on. My job. Besides I wasn't anybody important. I'm just a pawn. I work for a man who recruits women like Lillie, and he works for an actual bidder. Someone who buys them. I don't know how I actually, got into this whole thing, its been so long I've been in this business. I guess I needed money. Badly. Most people think things like this still don't go on but there wrong. They have sex slaves a lot of places. Paris, Mexico, Brazil, I mean its pretty awful. It makes me pretty awful. But I had nothing to lose, nothing to live for, so what did I care? I carefully pick the pieces of glass out of her back as I get lost in thought. The pieces weren't big enough to where she would need stitches but big enough where I could pick them out with my fingers. I think she'll be fine. I grab some rubbing alcohol after I'm done picking them out, and start to clean the small cuts. You see usually once we get some girls, we usually don't see them, you know go through the process. We just deliver them. I don't think I could take watching that, or hearing that everyday. Especially if it was Lillie. God dammit. There I go again. You just met her Sawyer, why is she any different from the other girls you've done this to! I couldn't answer my own question. I honestly don't know why. Maybe after all these years of not caring what happens to these girls, its finally catching up to me. Or maybe....maybe I was slowly falling for her...

(A/N: Sorry if for some reason this chapter made you uncomfortable. but i think more people need to be aware the sex slaves and all that still do exist still! There will be more of it to come in the chapters ahead but don't worry nothing will be getting too graphic. But I did think I should say something, thank you for reading, love ya <3)

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