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~Dark Lillie~ chapter twenty-eight

"W-What the fuck? W-What-j-just-happened!" I gush out all at once, as Niall speeds away. I start to hyperventilate. My mom would always tell me to put my head between my knees when that started to happen. I would have horrible panic attacks whenever I witnessed my father having one of his "temper tantrums". I try my mothers advice again, rocking myself back and forth.

"Lillie its okay, your safe now," He tries to comfort me. But I can hear the panic and pain in his voice. Which reminded me,

"Y-Your hurt!" I try to get a better look at the wound but he jerks away.

"I'm fine."

"No your not! Pull over!"

"Not until your safe away from that place." He tries to be stern but he's out of breath and gritting his teeth. I wasn't fucking around though.

"Niall pull the damn car over!"


"Pull the fucking car over now!" I yell at him while taking the wheel and trying to make him pull over. I know, I sound like a crazy person right now. And maybe I was. But for whatever reason he came back for me, got hurt because of me, and I could be pretty impulse...

"Are you fucking crazy!" He yells at me after almost getting hit by on coming traffic. Yeah I was, but it got us to pull over.

"Shit Niall," I cry a little. His face expression softens a bit.

"I'll be okay Lillie. It went straight through."

"W-We need to get you to a hospital,"

"We can't, They'll look for us there. They know I've been shot. It doesn't matter anyway, I told you, it went straight through. I'll be fine."

I try my very hardest not to sob. So instead I sniffle, ripping the bottom of my flannel and wrapping it tightly around the bleeding injury. He winces ever so slightly, looking up at me. I couldn't look back.

"Lillie," He breathes, tilting my head up. "What did they do to you."

It wasn't really a question. I think he was just finally looking at me. I mean really looking at me. I looked drained. Barely alive probably. Not to mention I recently had the shit beat out of me. He could see it all now. And he had time to take it all in. I didn't want that.

"My dad," I suddenly remember shivering. "O-Oh my god, my dad." I start crying again.

I guess I was in shock with everything that happened. And with everything that was happening now. It was finally all settling in. Niall was here with me. My dad is involved in some very fucked up stuff. I mean I knew he was fucked up himself but this? No one wants to believe that their dad could be capable of even thinking of getting into this business, no matter how fucked up they are. What was happening? Everything felt like it was all falling apart at all once. Which only resulted in me crying harder. I was expecting Niall to lie to me, telling me everything was going to be okay. Even though we both knew very well knew that it wasn't. Everything was fucked. So very fucked. But he didn't. He just scooped me up into his lap and held me. I never knew how bad I missed the sound of his heart beat. The heat of his skin. The way he smelled. I couldn't believe it. He was here. He was really here.

Niall's P.O.V

I wiped her tears away after I knew she was fully asleep. I didn't want to let go of her. Not ever again. But it was starting to get dark and we should have already been half way there by now. I crank her seat back, laying her gently on it. I lay my coat over her fragile body trying to avoid eye contact with the bruises. It only made me want to go back and kill every single one of those bastards. Driving helped. It got my mind off things. I constantly kept looking at Lillie though. Making sure she was still there. That she wouldn't just disappear. It felt like that could happen any minute. My arm still kind of hurt and the bleeding slowed done a lot. I'd have to stich it up when we're safe. Just a couple more hours to go.

Lillie's P.O.V

"Lil? s'that you?" My father slurred. Shit. I was really hoping I didn't wake him. I wasn't doing anything bad, I was actually just bringing in groceries. But by now I knew if I woke him, he wouldn't be very happy.

"Uh, yeah."

" "Uh yeah"? It either is'or it isn't! Can't ever give me a straight fucking answer can ya," He yells getting up off the couch and to the kitchen. My hands start to shake but I try to act calm.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I say in a small voice.

"What's'all this shit?" He jesters to the grocery bags in my hand.

"J-Just grocery's."

"Yeah just grocery's'ya spent with my fucking money!"

"W-We needed food! I didn't get paid this week, I just thought-"


The familiar sound rippled a crossed my cheek. The back side of his hand sent me down to my ass. I whimper trying to protect myself as he leaned closer to me.

"Don't fucking use my money!" Smack! "And don't raise'your voice at me ever again!" Another hit. I remember in that moment I hated myself. I hated that I had to put up with his shit, that my mom was in and out of the hospital. I just wanted to die. But that's usually how my dad and I's conversations would go. That is until after my mom and I could afford to move out. But by then she had gotten really sick and hospitalized. I watched her die. I died with her when she did. Or at least I wished I had died with her. That was a very dark time in my life. I didn't think life could get any more shittier then that. But here I am now, My baby dead, a drug addiction, just breaking out of a rape house, and not to mention what I did to get relief from my craving. All of it made me sick. Really, sick. I feel myself being pulled out of my sleep from vomiting all over myself.

"Shit," I hear Niall hiss, as the car comes to a stop.

I really wish I had stayed asleep because I could feel my craving coming back full force.

"Fuck, Lillie, look at me," I hadn't even realized Niall was on my side of the door trying to clean me up the best he could.

Another wave of nausea came over me and I couldn't tell if it was because of how disgusted I am with myself or because my craving demanded to be felt. Either way it made my eyes roll to the back of my head and my stomach turn. But as Niall picked me up and started walking towards the cabin, I feel something in my back pocket. Something I had stolen right before Niall saved me. Something to satisfy my craving. A little bag of satisfactory.

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