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~Dark Lillie~ chapter seventeen

I feel a cold rush over my face. I try opening my eyes but light blinds me when I do. My head felts do dizzy. My world felt so dizzy. I had no idea what the hell was going on but I could tell you nothing felt normal. It didn't even feel like I was in my own body. It was like I was disconnected. Muffled noises start to take place though and I feel some what relieved. At least I wasn't dead. But as the muffled noises became more clearer, I can just make out the faint noise of a baby crying. But not just any cry. I knew this cry. I knew it so well I could pick it out of a hundred cries. This was my baby's cry. Marley's cry. At first her crying was loud, and dispirit, but then it started to fade away like everything else. I wanted to move, to cry, scream, anything! I wanted to hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay. That I wouldn't let anybody hurt her. That daddy and I would keep her save. Daddy...Niall. That was also a painful reminder. He wasn't here. At least I don't think. It was still dark. Cold. I wanted so bad for him to be here. To hold me and tell me everything was going to be alright. That he loved me. But I fucked that one up. Like I do everything now days. I become scared though as I sit in the darkness for what seems like forever. Until I here a voice.

"Lillie," The voice whispers. I try to answer. But nothing happens.

"Lillie," The voice tries again. More forceful this time. Again I try to open my eyes, and this time I succeed. At first its very, very bright and all I can make out is a silhouette. But soon enough my vision comes into focus and my heart skinks a little. It was Sawyer. I was hoping it would have been Niall.

"How are you feeling?" He asks. I still cant talk so I shrug, shaking my head. He sighs. "The drugs probably haven't worn off yet. Don't worry, they will." His voice is some what soothing but I cant exactly put together on why he kept giving me so many drugs. Probably because every time my high would ware down I'd start crying uncontrollably. I'm a mess without them, but a fucked up mess with them. I feel him pick me up, cradling me to his chest.

"I'm sorry, Lillie, " He sighs. "It's just my job,"

I wanted to ask him what he was talking about. But before I can I feel the darkness set over my eyes again. Making everything fade away again.

Niall's P.O.V

Although everything inside of me wanted to go back and beat the shit out of Sawyer, all I could think about was Lillie. She was more important. I Would have called Becca and asked if Lillie was okay but do to me over using my phone to try and get ahold of Lillie, I drained it dead. I just couldn't wait to see her. To make things okay again and try to pick up the pieces. To try and fix things with her. Things we both have said and done to each. We both needed fixing. It's been so long since I've actually been able to tell her I love her. To hold and kiss her. I just wanted that back. I wanted us back. And as much as I feared that I couldn't be enough for her, I knew deep down that we could get through this. I knew that I loved her that much that I could push past my fear and we could be okay again. I'm just hoping she felt the same. That she was finally out of this pushing me away phase and that we could help each other and be there for one another. I had faith in that. But do to Heather missing I had a feeling that all of the emotional stuff, would have to be put off. But at least us reuniting would be a start. But finally I pull up to Becca's apartment, and as soon as I do, I'm rushing out of my car. I knock hard and frantically on Becca's door, not being able to take the wait any longer. I don't even say anything when she finally opens the door. I just burst in immediately expecting to see Lillie here.

"Niall, what the hell are you doing?" Becca snaps confused. My heart is racing as I rush to the bedrooms looking for her. I feel a piercing pain in my heart when I finally realize, she isn't here. That feeling is soon followed by anger and stupidity. There really is something the matter with me. Why the fuck would I believe Sawyer? How could I get played by him so fucking easily? All those feelings aside, one comes in very harsh and vividly. That means Lillie is with him still. And I don't think he lied about that just so he could get a few more fucks in. It was much bigger then that. And if I'm thinking its as dangerous as I think it is, there long gone from the hotel by now. And as much as I wanted to put away this part of my life, I didn't have much of a choice right now. I had to find Heather, and more importantly Lillie. I had to be my old self again. The killer I once was. I had to become the ruthless, cold, dark Niall, once more.


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