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We stayed frozen. I don't think either of us even breathed. I didn't know what to think. I mean I had a couple ideas but they seemed too...crazy? I mean this was impossible right?

Ashton finally hangs up the phone. His expression was blank and it was hard to read him. Suddenly though, he starts slowly making his way to the front door of the cabin.

"Wait, Ashton-"

He puts a hand up for me to be quiet and continues to move forward. Hesitantly, I follow him inside. I didn't want to look at the scene in front of me. I mean I've seen worse but....my dad. He laid there with two other guys. Just...dead. I found myself tearing up. I always wished the very worse on my father but now all I felt was grief. I had forgot Ashton was standing next to me until he made a gasping noise. I followed his eyes and they were where mine had been. On my dad.

"What?" But right as I said that I understood. I had thought maybe one of Chaz's random men was his dad. But no, not random.

"Dad!" He cries kneeling down next to my father.

"D-Dad?" I stutter out. Ashton looks up at me, tears in his eyes.

"Yes this is my father!" He looks back at him shaking. "Oh-oh god w-we need to get him to a hospital or something! Help me!"

"A-Ashton stop-"

"L-Lillie help me!" His voice cracks slightly as he tries lifting my father.

"He's gone Ashton."

I kneel down next to him putting a hand on his shoulder. Seeing him like this brought more tears to my eyes.

"Ashton..." I choke out. He looks to me crying.


"Your sure this is your dad?"

"Yes! Of course it is! Why!"  He's says acknowledging my stupid question. Cut me some slack, I was in shock okay?

"B-Because...this is my dad to."

Niall's P.O.V

"Drive, drive, drive!" Sawyer yells at me from the backseat.

I don't have to be told twice. I stomp down on the gas petal, flooring it the hell out of there. I wasn't sure who's car this was but I silently thanked them for leaving there keys.

I prayed to god Liam wasn't following us. I needed to get to Lillie but I didn't want to lead him right to her. There's no telling what he'd do. As my luck would have it though, he was following us. Turns out Sawyers place wasn't too far so I decide to risk it. He was a good hundred feet away so I was hoping we'd have enough time.

We pulled up to the cabin and I didn't see Lillie anywhere. Dread washed through me and I started to shake. I blared the horn hoping she'd be inside or something. Liam was speeding closer and closer and I could literally feel the tension burning us alive.

"Come Lillie, come on..."

I thought panicking.

Finally I see her running out with someone. I hadn't realized I had kept my hand on the horn until Zayn said for me to unlock the doors for her and whoever it was behind her. It was a guy which usually I probably wouldn't like very much but at the moment I couldn't focus on that. They get in and I look up to see how far Liam is.


A loud crunching sound of metal comes from the back as I feel the whole car jerk forward causing everything to go black.

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