6• you lose a soccer match

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Antoine griezmann:

"Lucky me" i said sarcastic leaning against the goal. I lose from portugal. Yeah i am playing for the french team. "Hey beautiful" i heard behind me. I didn't turn around. I knew it was antoine but i am mad on myself. "Look honey you did it great okay? Don't blame yourself on something what's stupido okay just....you love it and i love you and you love me back that's what count right?" He said turning me around. "You're right i love you" i smiled. "Love you too"

Lionel messi:
The wistle blows and everyone on the opposite team were cheering. Damn it! How can i lose when i maked 3 goals?. I play for argentinia but we lose now against german. "Good play" a german girl said to me. I faked a smile. "Yeah you too" i just stood therw with my hands on my wrist. "Fuck" i breathed out frustration. I turned around and saw my boyfriend. "Y/n before you think it's all you're fault it isn't did you have fun? Playing the game?" He asked hugging you. You nodded. "That's all about isn't it?" You smiled. "You're the best leo" i delt a smirk apearing on his face. "You're even the better best if that's exist"

Cristiano ronaldo:
GREAT! you sat down on the field playing with gras. Well actually you can burst out in tears. You recently losed from Italië....it was the final and i messed it all up. "Hey babe" i heard but i didn't look up or something. "Let me help you" cristiano said helping you stand up. "Just leave me for a seco-" cristiano interrupt me. "Nah y/n you don't need to blame yourself for this you did it great and you did it for portugal out country so don't be sad" he said hugging you strongly. You're eyes are watery  but you can stay dry. "I am so happy i found you" i whispered. Cristiano smiled. "Same meu amor"

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