Chapter 6

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"Get up! Get up! Get up!" Ally screamed as she jumped on me. I grabbed my phone off the floor right beside my head to check the time. 5:45 A.M. Are you kidding me?!

"Ugh! Why so earlyyyyyyy?" I whined and threw my face into my pillow.

"I wanted to curl our hair... But whatever. Lazy ass." She sounded sad, so I got up just for her. If it was anyone else, I would have flipped them off and told them to screw off, but she's my best friend, so I can't really do that. "Yay! I'm happy now!" she said with a big smile and clapped her hands. We made our way to her bathroom. She already had everything plugged in with her laptop playing Pandora. We curled out hair and did our make-up in silence. I was so tired and mad at Ally for waking me up so early. But it's okay in a way. Last time she stayed at my house, I let my big fluffy cat, Nova, walk on her face while she was asleep.

"So, what now?" I asked at 7:15. School doesn't start until 8, and we were already ready to go.

"We could go to Biggby's?" Ally suggested. Biggby's is our favorite coffee shop, and it's only a couple of minutes away.

"Sure, doesn't matter to me," I agreed. We made it there in about a mintue, and again, Ally's a speed demon. I ordered a double fudge brownie iced coffee and Ally ordered a mint chocolate chip latte. We sat at a small secluded table towards the back. I took a drink of my iced coffee and looked around the small coffee shop. A blue Durango pulling into the parking lot caught my attention. As I realized who it was, I froze. He walked in, wearing khaki shorts and an Under Armour sweatshirt, his short light brown hair was messy and he had bags under his eyes. He didn't look around, he just kept his eyes looking ahead of him as he walked towards the counter. He got his usual black coffee and sat down a few minutes later at a table not too far away from Ally and I.

"Ren...?" Ally snapped me out of my trance and I looked at her.

"Hmm?" I asked. Well, I kind of just made this weird noise while I drank my coffee and raised my eyebrows to signal that I meant 'what'.

"What the heck? You were just staring out in space for like 5 munutes!" she exclaimed. I noticed that she had about half of her latte drank.

"Well..." I started before she interrupted me.

"Woah, look who's here!" Ally pointed over to Ryan. She must've not realized that I was staring at him the whole time.

"Yeah, about him... I noticed him when he first pulled in the parking lot... If I keep my head this way, I don't think he will-" I got cut off by someone behind me.

"Baby? Is that you?" Shit. He noticed me.

"Hey Ry," I turned around to look at him. He looked... Relieved that I'm here.

"Mind if I join you girls?" he asked Ally and I hopefully.

"Actually, I'll give you two some catching up time, I think you guys need it," Ally said and got up. I shot her a glare before she left to go to another table. Ryan took Ally's seat and sighed.

"So, you wanna tell me what happened yesterday?" Ryan broht up the one subjuct I wanted to avoid the most.

"Uh... Well um... My grandpa got put in the uh... The hospital." If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm terrible at lying. His response to that was a skeptical look, but it was quickly covered up by a sympathetic one.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Serenety. But, why? When we saw him last week, he seemed fine," Ryan asked, sounding confused. He always brings up good points like this, which means that he's not buying my lie. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Well, he can't pee," I said, trying to give him the impression that he has a kidney stone. But, if he was so smart like he puts himself out to be, he would remember that my grandpa had one about a year and a half ago.

My Irish Angel (A Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now