Chapter 10

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"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Ryan said with an evil smirk playing on his lips. He was standing in the doorway with the nurse next to him.

I sat up right away, and looked back and forth from Niall and Ryan nervously. I was scared of Ryan right now, and I don't know why. I have no reason to be scared of him. So, I decided to grow a pair of balls and stand up for myself once and for all.

"Nurse Shelly, um, can you leave us three alone for a few minutes?" I asked the nurse. I didn't want her in the room while I lashed out at Ryan.

"Sure dear. Let me just get some paperwork I need to fill out, and I'll be on my way. I'll be in the office if you need me." She said as she grabbed a folder and headed out the door. Ryan shut the door for her and took a seat on the foot of the bed I'm laying on.

Ryan looked between Niall and me with that stupid smirk still on his face. I wanted to punch it off so bad. But, I refrained from jumping off the bed and attacking him, even though I wanted to do it so bad.

"Does someone want to explain to me what I walked in on?" Ryan asked us. "I didn't expect my girlfriend to cheat on me." He put extra emphasis on the word girlfriend, just to piss me off. I knew that's what he was trying to do, and let me tell you, it was working. I couldn't contain myself any longer, and I blew up.

"Wow, really?! You want to play that game? Okay, fine. Let's play that game. First of all, you've been cheating on me with the school slut, Whortney. And you let her post that picture of you two kissing on Twitter. Not very good at hiding shit like that, are you? And because she's such a God damn slut, I know that you two fucked. Probably multiple times. And with her posting that fucking picture, you were basically breaking up with me. So yeah, we have been done since last night. So I don't want to hear that 'well, well, well' shit, with you acting all innocent. You knew how this was gonna end, asshole. We're through." I took a big breath after that and looked at both of them. They were both staring at me with dropped jaws and wide eyes.

Ryan recovered quickly after he saw me looking at him and his signature smirk returned to his face. He is such a prick, I swear.

"Aww, look who finally put on her big girl pants and stood up for herself. How cute!" Ryan said while he rolled his eyes at me. I saw Niall tense up beside me out of the corner of my eye.

"Ryan, I think it would be best if you left now." Niall said, and I could tell he was fighting to control his temper. He had spoken through clenched teeth and was gripping the arms of the chair so hard that his knuckles were ghost white. Honestly, I have never seen Niall like this.

But I loved it.

He is so possessive of me, even when Ryan and I were still together. And he gets so aggressive about things like this. He also looks super sexy when he's pissed. It makes me want to jump him... I mean, um, do bad, uh, things to him...

"Niall, I'm just getting started with this. Have fun in your little 'relationship'." He winked at us as he walked out of the room.

Niall didn't relax at all after Ryan walked out. I know Ryan, and he is going to do whatever it takes to ruin Niall and I's relationship. But I don't want to end things with Niall, I like him a lot.

"Serenety, I had no idea you and Ryan were still together when I asked you out. I just haven't heard you talk about him like you used to, so I just kind of assumed. That was a big mistake on my part. But, you also shouldn't have said yes to me if you knew you were still dating Ryan. Even if he did cheat on you, you guys were still technically dating." He scolded me.

I shook my head and gave him pleading eyes. "Niall, I had no idea if we were still dating or not. I wouldn't have told you yes if that was the case, and you know that. Niall, I really like you. I don't want to lose you already... We just started dating about 10 minutes ago and I'm already risking losing you... I'm so stupid..." I could have said a lot more but Niall cut me off by placing a light kiss on the end of my nose.

"Babe, it's okay now. We just need to watch out for him, he's not going to give up that easily. He's going to torment us to no end. As long as we have each other, we can get through it. Together. I pinky promise." He held out his pinky close to my hand and I linked my pinky with his.

I smiled up at him. How did I get so lucky to end up with Niall? Ryan and Niall are nothing alike! Ryan is tough, he is hot I'll admit that, but he's just a bad boy that only cares about girls and his reputation. And that didn't dawn on me ever before until just now.

Niall is the complete opposite of Ryan. Niall is so sweet, he's cute, not to mention he knows how to actually treat a girl right. He is perfect, and he is all mine. I will never let him go. Ever.

We sat there for a few minutes just staring into each other's eyes until the door barged open and the nurse stood there looking at us. 

"I need the room now, I have two students that need immediate help." She spoke rapidly and kept glancing over her shoulder as she spoke.

"Okay, we'll be on our way." Niall said as he stood up. He held out a hand for me, and I took it so that I could get up. 

After we got up and got ready to leave, the nurse rushed in my good friend Brianna on a gurney. Behind her was Drew, ironically her crush, on another gurney.

"Hey, what happened to them?" I asked her.

"They were in a can accident in the parking lot." She explained while trying to tend to their bloody, battered bodies.

Niall and I just walked out of her office without another word being said. I was just trying to piece together everything Ryan had said back there. It was a lot to take in. He was basically going to make our lives a living hell. I always knew there was something odd about him, but this is just plain evil.

"Serenety? Did you hear anything I just said?" Niall called me out of my thoughts. He was waving his hand in front of my face and he started to chuckle when I jumped in surprise from it.

"That's not funny. I thought you were going to hit me or something." I playfully glared at him and lightly punched his shoulder. But, with Niall being, well Niall, he overreacted. 

He grabbed his shoulder and flung himself into the wall closest to him. "Ow! Serenety, how could you?! I thought you cared about me!" He yelled at the top of his lungs while fake crying.

Niall and I laughed after that little stunt he pulled and he ran towards me. I screamed out in surprise when he picked me up bridal style and started running down the hall yelling, "For Narnia!" 

All of a sudden, a door behind us slammed open and we turned around to find a very pissed off Mr. Damshroder glaring at us. He looked like he could kill us right now. And that's not a good thing, because he really scares me!

"Get to class right now, or I'll give you both two Saturday schools for being annoying and rude to people trying to learn!" He barked at us, and Niall took off running down the hall again with me still in his arms. We finally got to the choir room and we barged through the double doors. 

Mrs. Lortz looked at us and said, "Took you two long enough to get here."

Niall set me down and we grabbed our binders and took our seats.

"Sorry Mrs. Lortz, we were in the nurse's office." I apoligized to her.

"It's alright. We're on Some Nights, page 5." Mrs. Lortz told us, and we started to sing along to the popular song.


~~Author's Note~~

Sorry it's short, it really is just a filler chapter, I felt like I had to give you guys something! You've been waitoing on a new chapter for a while now.

And I know I'm really bad at updating, you don't have to tell me.. But now that I'm on summer break, I should be able to update a lot more!(:

Well, love you guys!<3


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