Chapter 8

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The zoo. We went to the zoo. On a Thursday. When we have school the next day. And the zoo is two hours away, I should probably mention that.

"Niall! Look! The penguins! I love penguins!" I pulled Niall's arm in the direction of the penguins. I have to say, we were having such a great time, we didn't even care that it was getting late and that we should be leaving soon.

"Serenety, you promised me we would look at the tigers next!" He pouted and stopped right where he was so I couldn't pull him anymore.

I thought about it for a couple of minutes, and let Niall have his way with the tigers. It was his idea to come here, after all.

We walk over to the tiger exhibit, and the way Niall stared at the tigers with so much admiration, it was so adorable! His eyes were so big and he had his mouth open with the corners lifted slightly. Like I said, so adorable! You just had to be there to see how cute it really was, I guess.

"Serenety! Look over there! That one is coming over to say hi!" Niall squealed, pointing to a tiger making it's way over to the glass separating us.

"Ni, I have to admit, they are pretty amazing," I looked up at him to show him I meant it. "Now it's time for the PENGUINS!" I yelled with a huge grin on my face. Okay, I'm like a five year old when it comes to animals, especially the zoo.

"Ugh, fine! You win this one, Ren!" He held his fist up in the air like an evil villan from a movie would do.

"Yay!" I grabbed Niall's wrist and pulled him behind me as I skipped to the penguin exhibit.

"We arrived just in time! They are about to get fed!" I jumped up and down, receiving many strange looks from people. Oh well, I don't mind those people. I do whatever I want, and whoever doesn't like it can screw off.

I climbed up onto the railing to sit with my feet dangling over the water. Niall instinctively put an arm around my waist so I wouldn't fall. It felt strange, because it wasn't Ryan's protective arms, but I didn't move out of his grip. In Niall's arms, I felt... Safe.

Niall laughed and put his chin on my shoulder so he could get a better view. "Serenety, you are something else. I've never met anyone like you."

I turned my head so I could make eye contact with him. "Is that a good or bad thing?"

"Definitely a good thing," Niall replied with a soft smile. I smiled back before putting my attention on the penguins again.


We left the zoo around 8 at night, but we were both hungry. Niall suggested McDonald's, since we could just eat it on the way home and get home in time. I agreed, and we were currently both eating our McChickens on the way home.

"So, Niall, I have a question for you," I started, waiting for him to acknowledge me and say I can ask it.

He nodded and I went ahead and asked it.

"Can you tell me why you moved here?" I asked cautiously, trying not to start a conversation on a touchy subject.

"I knew you would ask eventually..." I heard him say under his breath. "My mom and her group of friends got into some trouble back in England. Her group of friends just so happened to be all of my friends' moms. Zayn, Louis, Harry, Liam, Perrie, Danielle, and I all left with our dads. Our dads agreed to get us as far away from England, but still be safe. So, we came here. My dad got ahold of my mom's brother and explained everything. He said that if we move here, everything would be okay for us. And so far, it is." He explained, his eyes glossing over.

"Oh wow Ni, I'm so sorry. I had no idea. You don't have to tell me-" I said, but he cut me off.

He held up his hand. "It's okay Serenety. You deserve to know." He took a deep breath before continuing. "My mother was a dangerous woman. She often got drunk or high with her friends. Then, she would come home and beat me. The same thing happened to Louis and Eleanor, Perrie, Zayn, Danielle, Liam, and Harry. It was almost as if they didn't care about their families anymore, only each other. And when they got in trouble with the cops, out fathers took action. I am thankful everyday for them getting us out of that hell-hole." He told me. He looked over at me and smiled.

On instinct, I reached over and grabbed his hand, linking out fingers together. I stared at our hands for quite a while before remembering that I had a boyfriend, and that wasn't Niall. Even though I wanted it to be him. I pulled my hand away from his, and watched his eyes as they went from confusion, to disappointment, and back to focusing on the road. 

We made more small talk, but it was awkward after what happened.


We were sitting in my driveway. It was about 10:45 at night, and I am super tired.

"Thanks you Niall. So much." I thanked him.

He looked at me, and I could tell that he was tired too. "Hey, don't sweat it Serenety. I just wanted to do something with you."

"Okay, bye Niall!" I said as I jumped out of his car.

I ran inside and flopped onto my bed, not caring that I was still fully dressed. I have some major thinking to do.

What is up with my feelings? I was sure that when Ryan was here, I loved him with all of my heart.

But when I was with Niall today, I felt all these butterflies every time we made eye contact. Or when he touched me. Or when I was just in his presence. I just feel ten times better with him than when I'm with Ryan. 


My relationship with Ryan has been strange for a while now, and I don't think that I should continue dating him. But I'm scared of what he'd do to me if I broke up with him. He would probably assume that I broke up with him for Niall, and him and his friends would beat the shit out of Niall, and I can't have that happen.

 I think I'm going to break up with Ryan tomorrow. I just have to explain everything to him, and hope to God that he won't get too upset about everything. And after that, I am going to stay single for a while.

I fell asleep thinking about Niall today at the zoo.


My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to see a lot of Twitter notifications. I logged on to see a lot of people retweeting a picture that was taken tonight. 

 @its_courtneyyyyy: Had an amazing night with this cutie(: This pic is tots adorbs! c:

The picture was her and someone kissing.

Wait... That someone looks very familiar...

OH. MY. GOD. It's Ryan! 

So he's been cheating on me with the school whore. That's just fan-freaking-tastic. I broke down bawling. 

A lot of people were texting me or sending me the picture. Eventually, I turned off my phone. I was tired of this shit. This is my second boyfriend that's cheated on me.

Now, I have a very good reason to break up with Ryan.

Goodbye asshole!

~~Author's Note~~

Hi everyone! Sorry for such the long wait and a short chapter! 

But I had to update, or Serenety and a few other people would've killed me. 

Oh, and if you guys could, can you check out my new story called 'The Daughter of Louis Tomlinson'? It would be greatly appreciated if you did!

Hope you enjoy! Love you all! (:


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