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"I would like to join the martial arts club." A dark haired girl of small stature stood in front of Budo, who couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. This girl was probably around 5 feet tops, with small, frail looking arms and legs, and big grey eyes. She was undoubtedly cute, but defiantly didn't strike Budo as the fighting type.
He had to admit, he wasn't even sure if this girl went to their school. He didn't recognize her from any of his classes, and he didn't think he had ever seen her with the other girls in the courtyard... Maybe she was one of the girls who hung out on the roof? No, that's not likely. He would have known if she hung out with Midori, considering the fact that she often stopped him in the hallways to talk about literally every aspect of her life (seriously, has she ever heard of the concept of email?). The Basu sisters never really talked to anyone besides each other, so she probably isn't up there with them. He couldn't imagine Kuu being very pleasant company. Mai usually kept to herself. And as for Oka.... Well, she was sweet, but defiantly not the social type (unless, of course, you make the mistake of mentioning supernatural conspiracies).
Maybe she was a delinquent?
Nah, they wouldn't be caught dead in the school building, much less in any sort of club.
... She could be a loner....
Nah, even then he would have seen her at some point in the day.
"Um... Sorry. Only students are allowed to join." Budo said sheepishly. The girl's facial expression turned from curious to aggravated as she fished into her bag, pulled out a thin, rectangular, plastic card, and nearly shoved it at Budo's face.
He took it gingerly from the girls hand and took a look.
His face turned red as he realized it was a school ID.
Ayano A.
Year 3
"O-oh, um..." He didn't really know what to say, especially since this girl not only went to his school, but was also in the same year as him.
Ayano chuckled slightly and took her ID back.
"It's fine, I get that a lot." She said calmly, dropping the card back into her bag. "I kinda have a reputation for.... Well, not really having one."
She looked back up and gave Budo an expecting look. It took him a moment to realize that it was because he still hadn't answered her question.
"Um, in that case, welcome to the martial arts club!" He tried to say enthusiastically, but he was finding that somewhat difficult to do considering the awkwardness of this situation. Never the less, Ayano smiled.
"So, when are club activities?" She asked.
"Oh, once a week at 5:30." He answered. "Don't miss too many, or I'll have to kick you out. Anyway, they start up on Wednesday, so I'll introduce you to the group and give you the uniform then, alright? That way it can feel more official." None of that was true, he was just to lazy to go into the back room right now. On the bright side, Ayano didn't seem to notice.
"Alright, see you then!"

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