Victims of Crime

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"Did you hear about Osana?"
"Yeah, they found her behind the school..."
"At least they found her... poor Saki."
"Has anyone seen her recently?"
"... You don't think she's..."
Akademi High was on edge.
For the first time in over 30 years, a corpse had been discovered on school grounds. What didn't help was that on the same night, another student would go missing.
As Budo walked the halls, he tried his best to listen to the rumors that his classmates were spreading like wildfire.
After all, he didn't want be caught off guard if he ran into-
"Hey..." Speak of the devil. Budo tried to smile, but it was hard to do. What the hell do you say to a person who just lost his best friend?
"Oh... h-hey Taro." The silence hung between them like a stiff blanket on a cold night; even though it was awkward and uncomfortable, it was still worlds better than the alternative option.
"... So I hear you have a girlfriend. Congrats." He couldn't care less about Budo and Ayano's relationship. It was obvious. But any conversation that could keep them away from the one looming over both of their minds was good enough.
"Oh, yeah..." Budo felt a small smile tugging at the edge of his mouth. If one good thing had to come out of this week, he was glad it was her.
Taro nodded, forcing a small chuckle.
"Take good care of her, you never know when someone might-" He paused, feeling the sting of his next few words before they could even leave his mouth. "... you never know when someone might take her from you. Don't let anyone do that."
Budo knew his warning had two meanings, but for his own sake he only thought about one... though it was just as scary. Still, he crafted a response that could dodge both edges of the blade.
"They would have to get through me first." He let out a dry, hoarse laugh as Taro nodded, trying hard to smile.
"Yeah, I suppose they would... I'm glad to know that at least there's someone here that has nothing to worry about." He looked back up at Budo. "Best of luck."
For the first time today, Taro Yamada was as sincere as he could be.
"You too." The two boys walked away, both feeling a little bit better than before.
The day passed slowly, and almost painfully.
After every vlass, you could see students going into a class that wast theirs, and leaving a flower on a once empty desk.
The teachers, who were usually so strict, seemed softer today.
And probably the most heartbreaking part of the day was a girl with purple hair pulled up in twin drills who went around at lunch, asking anyone who would listen if they had seen her friend.
No one could look her in the eye.
It was fair to say that by the time after school rolled around, everyone was drained.
Budo sighed as he leaned against Ayano's locker, patiently waiting for his girlfriend to show up.
But she didn't.
Now, Budo was normally a patient person, but with everything that had been going to hell today, he really needed someone stable to talk to... if only she would show up.
Had she already been to her locker?
While he tried to find a reason for Ayano's strange absence, he noticed Hinata walking by. She passed him and headed straight to her locker, turning away from his gaze.
"Hey... have you seen Ayano?" The question made her sigh a bit as she looked over and shook her head.
"Budo...." Her voice turned to remorse, causing the fear to rise in Budo's chest. She didn't need to finish her sentance. They both knew what would come next. She didn't need to keep going... but she did anyway. "No one has seen her."
On any other day, this would have been dismissed as a normal conversation, nothing to be afraid of...
But with all that had happened, there was no way that this was a normal day.
And with what it could mean, that was not a normal response.
It was potentially deadly

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