The Club

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Budo waited in the martial arts club, standing in his usual spot waiting got the other club members. He looked up at the clock; 4:45.
As usual, he was early. He decided to make good use of this time by pulling out his homework that he was supposed to do yesterday.
Time to spend the next 45 minutes staring at a blank sheet.
His staring was interrupted by a small knock. He looked up at the door frame and saw Ayano leaning against it, looking at him with her steely grey eyes.
"What's that look for?" Budo asked, slowly getting up.
"Well, I've been standing here for about 10 minutes. I didn't think it would be polite to walk in and interrupt your intense staring contest with a sheet of paper." Even though there was no detectable sarcasm in her voice, Budo turned beet red. He had really hoped she hadn't seen that.
Attempting to regain his composure, Budo glanced up at the clock.
"In my defense, you are half an hour early." Now it was Ayano's turn to blush.
"So it didn't start at 5...." She muttered.
"Who told you it started at 5?" Budo questioned, fearing that one of the other members of the club had decided to play some type of practical joke. Ayano sighed.
"An unreliable source." Well, that answer was helpful.
They stood there in awkward silence for a while before Budo broke the silence.
"Oh yeah, I forgot! I need to get you a uniform!" He stated informatively. "... Um, what's your size? Small?"
"Extra small for the pants, small for the top." She sounded annoyed, but Budo didn't think it was completely directed towards him.
He walked into the back room and began looking through box after box of plain white clothing until he finally found everything he needed. Folding it up, he ran back out into the main room.
Ayano looked up from a sheet of paper and gently placed it back on the floor.
"Sorry, curiosity got the best of me... You got question 4 wrong by the way." Really? He made a mental note to double check on it later.
"Here," Budo passed over the stack of clothes and gestured to the changing room. "One of the best parts about getting here early is that there is no line for the changing room."
However, instead of immediately heading over to the little changing booth, Ayano instead picked up a long, elastic band sewn together at the ends and looked at it curiously.
"What's this for?" She asked, perplexed. Budo's face turned a bright red for the second time in about 5 minutes.
"Oh.... That's for um... Well it's for your..." He pointed down at her chest and began gesturing wildly. He honestly had no idea how to really explain it. Ayano just nodded.
"Is it going to fit?" She muttered, continuing to examine the piece of clothing.
"Would you like me to find one a bit smaller?" Budo realized his mistake a bit too late. "WAIT I DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT!!"
"I mean, when you go to school with girls like Kokona and Saki it's probably really hard to compare!!"
"You're forgiven, now quit while your ahead."
Soon, the club members began arriving. Budo glanced over at Ayano and gave a small laugh.
"Guess it's time for your debut." He said, gesturing towards the group of martial arts boys who had gathered in a crowd and had begun whispering about what Budo could only assume was Ayano. "Don't worry, they won't bite."
"Hopefully they don't have your way with words." She said in her usual monotone voice.
Budo desperately wanted to say: "No... There worse."

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