Set in Motion

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Study dates became frequent as the month went on. On days that the martial arts club didn't meet, the two would walk together to Ayano's house (Budo normally provided the food for everyone's safety) and study for a while.
There was only really one time where they didn't....
"Hey, Ayano!" Budo half ran over to his friend's locker, tripping a little in his way. Ayano turned around and dmiled, something that she had just recently started doing when she greeted him.
Budo smiled back. He always liked it when she would smile at him. It made him feel... almost like an imprtant person in her life.
"Hey." She greeted, grabbing her lunch out of her locker, though this time, it wasn't burnt rice.
Ever since what the two of them have dubbed "the ramen incident", Budo brings two lunches to school, keeping one for himself and giving the other to Ayano in the morning. In fact, there was hardly ever a time when Ayano had to cook at all. On days when she and Budo studied, he would always bring something to eat. The only times that they didn't study together where on the days the club met, and by the time Ayano got home, it was usually really late. On those days she normally opted to ordering take-out.
"So... we still on for tonight?" Even though he knew the answer, he still wanted to double check. However, this time the answer was a bit different
Ayano's smile faded.
"Oh... I guess I forgot to tell you..." She rubbed the back of her neck. "I can't tonight."
Budo's face fell a bit, but he nodded with understanding.
"Oh... ok. How about tomorrow?" The question came out almost desperate. Ayano's smile reformed.
Budo spent his after school time as he had before he met Ayano; sitting alone in the Martial arts club, struggling along with his homework.
He had grown so used to Ayano's presence that her absence almost made the room feel... bare.
It was weird to think of it like that, but at the same time it had become normal as weeks went on. He had no idea why, but she had started to consume every one of his waking thoughts. It was Strang yet... it felt natural.
He sighed, realizing that he was getting distracted once again, and decided a quick trip to the library wouldn't hurt.
Grabbing his bag and his book, he headed out the door and in the direction of the library... only to pause at the door with the sound of a familiar, monotone voice.
"Alright, now you carry the two over to the next problem..." Budo peeked in the room and immediately recognized Ayano... but who was that sitting next to her? Budo's first thought when he looked at him was that he looked undeniably fake. He had his purple hair slicked back, showing piercings on his ears and a pair of glasses that he clearly didn't need, since he would sometimes take them off and set them next to the book that the two were sharing.
Budo's chest tightened around his ribs and his face flushed with frustration, going more red when he saw Ayano smile at him when he got a question right.
But he didn't have enough time to be upset, because as Ayano looked up from the book, her eyes immediately met his and her smile grew a bit wider.
She stood and said something to her study partner that Budo could only assume (hope) was goodbye. She the grabbed her bag and exited the library, coming face to face with a still slightly red Budo.
"Hey, I didn't think you where still at school!" She greeted, Budo nodded and mumbled a yeah under his breath. Ayano raised an eyebrow. "Are you alright?"
He snapped out of his frustration and quickly answered.
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." He smiled, even though it felt forced. "So... who was that?"
"Who was what?" Ayano cocked her head to to the side innocently.
"You know... the guy who you where with... is he a friend of yours... or...?" Budo looked down at the ground, up at the ceiling, and anywhere else that wasn't Ayano.
"I wouldn't really call us friends..." at her words, Budo's heart dropped down to his stomach, only to lift back up after her next stentance. "But he is into a friend of mine... but she's really into smart guys. Figured I'd help both of them out."
Budo almost made the mistake of letting out an audible sigh as he felt his spirits rise.
"Anyway... I'm starving. Wanna go get something to eat?" She continued. Budo laughed a bit. How could he say no?
As the two ate, the talked about mundane things; school, work, their weekly schedules, plans fir the next martial arts meeting. Budo told her a story about how at lunch Taro almost fell into the fountain. This seemed to intrest her quite a bit.
"You know Taro?" She had asked. Budo chuckled lightly.
"Yeah, he and I are friends... though sometimes I think he would deny it if anyone asked him." He laughed a bit more, and even earned a bit of a giggle from Ayano. Dispite her moment of humor, her face had gone from content to almost unreadable, only to switch back to content as the conversation topic changed.
After their meal, as Budo waved goodbye to Ayano as she entered her house, the realization hit him like a train.
He wanted to be much more than just friends with Ayano Aishi.

the chapters that will follow this one will start to consist of some of the more deeper elements of the game, including but not limited to: Attempted murder, kidnapping, suicide, attempted suicide, violence, mental illness, and child neglect.
Please proceed with caution if these are sensitive topics for you, and make sure that you stay safe.
Thank you, and enjoy.

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