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The following week at school was for the most part grim, except for one thing, or more specifically one person.
"Budo!" A cheerful voice called in the courtyard. Both Budo and Ayano looked up in surprise as a girl with light brown hair and light eyes ran over to where they stood. She smiled brightly at the martial artist, causing Ayano to step back from the two club leaders.
"Hey Amai... where have you been?" Budo cocked his head to the side slightly. Amai just smiled.
"Nowhere important, don't you worry!" She exclaimed, hugging him tightly. His smile fell.
"... have you heard? About... Kokona and Saki?" Her smile disappeared too.
"Yeah... it's horrible... they were such good friends." She sighed softly and looked down. "Not only have we lost two members of the school... we lost two members of the cooking club... we only have 4 now.... we may have to close down."
Budo nodded for a second, only imagining what it would be like to lose the martial arts club... it would be like losing the ability to breathe.
"Is there anything I could do to help?" He asked, wanting to help out his fellow club leader. She sighed again.
"No... you don't have to. It's not your problem." She smiled slightly. "I've gotta go get to the club room and... start packing things up... bye."
The girl walked away towards the building just as Taro got up and began walking towards his friend.
"Hey... who was that?" He asked, still eyeing Amai from across the courtyard. Budo knew exactly where this was going.
"Her name's Amai... and now isn't exactly a good time to get involved." He stated, glaring daggers into his friend. He always did have this tendency of being... what was the word?
"Amai... that's a pretty name..."
"No really.. don't. She's going through a lot right now. Don't engage." He put extra emphasis on his last sentence, but it's meaning was lost to Taro.
"I wish I could help..." Liar.
Budo sighed. He wished he could help, but he would need to find at least two people would be interested in cooking by 3 p.m. today, and he still had martial arts practice-
He looked over at Taro, wondering if he actually meant it when he said he wanted to help.
Because if so, Budo had an idea.

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