Casualties of Love

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Perhaps skipping school right after a murder and kidnapping took place without informing anyone isn't the best idea...
Well, assuming you're not the one guilty of said crimes.
Still... a little warning would have been good, which was currently being signaled by the frantic knock on the door.
Ayano took a break from her... "work"... in the basement to go answer the door. As the knocking continued, Ayano faked a cough loud enough for the person at the door to hear, wrapped herself in a blanket, and did her best to act sick.
"Who is it?" She choked, feeling a little proud of how convincing it sounded. The knocking ceased and she heard something that almost sounded like a mumble of thanks, though to whom it was directed to, she had no clue.
"It's Budo."
Was it wrong that her first thoughts were 'goddammit'?
Normally she would enjoy Budo's company... but now just isn't the time.
! "Hey B-" She could barely get the words out before the martial artist enveloped her into a bone - breaking hug.
"Thank god, I thought you had been kidnapped or something worse..." the relief in his voice was evident as he hugged her tighter.
"Why did you think I was kidnapped?!" She almost forgot to use her sick voice
Had they found a link to her and the crimes? Did the whole school know she had something to do with it? Did senpai know?
Oh god... Does Budo know?
"I've been sick all day!" Nerves started to ear at her as she gave an unconvincing cough.
"Oh my god... you're shivering..." Budo turned almost as white as a sheet. "You need to rest! Have you eaten anything? How much did you sleep last night? Did you-"
"Budo, I'm fine!" Ayano interjected, calming down a little. At least she knew that he didn't suspect her, but she still had to make sure she was careful with her next few words. "I was... just about to go rest for a little."
"Do you need me to stay in case you need anything?" His tone softened, as I'd he was afraid his mere voice could hurt her. The look on his face softened to, becoming an expression that Ayano couldn't find the words to describe... she supposed that it was some strange mix of sadness and worry... almost like pity, but not at the same time.
Whatever it was, it made her feel immense guilt, a guilt that she couldn't find a place for.
God, how could she get rid of this feeling?
"No... I'll be fine." Ayano's words didn't seem to be soothing him, so she quickly added "If I need anything, I won't hesitate to call you, but for now I just need some quiet."
He still looked a bit nervous, but that stage expression was gone. Slowly, he nodded his head.
"Alright... I'll keep my phone on, ok?" He questioned softly. Ayano chuckled slightly.
"Alright." With that, she waved goodbye and closed the door.
Her face turned solemn as she walked towards the kitchen, opening a door off to the side.
There was nothing out of the ordinary as she walked down the stairs, but once she got to the bottom, she was met with a sight that would have horrified anyone else.
All guilt had washed away as she looked at Saki, all that was left was annoyance.
She sighed, thinking how much easier it would have been if things had worked out with Kokona and that other guy... oh well. Ayano really should have expected this... she never was really good with people.
Maybe I'd she could just hurry up with this, they could assume he died the same way his crush would...
But for now, he would stay where he is in the corner. Not like he was getting in the way anymore.
She turned her attention to the cyan haired girl in front of her, who had fallen unusually silent.
Ayano smiled. She should be ready by tomorrow...
But there was still a bit more work to do.

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