Home, Sweet Home

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"Hey! Ayano!" Budo pulled on his shoe as quickly as he could after he caught a glimpse of the raven walking towards the gate. After tripping over his own feet several times, he was finally walking next to her.
"Hey... Are you alright? You kinda walked off at lunch without saying anything." He asked, concern laced in his facial features. Ayano looked up and gave a small, unconvincing nod, but before Budo could say anything else a loud clap of thunder interrupted him and caused the ground to shake.
"We should probably get going, before it starts to pour." Budo said, continuing towards the gate with Ayano not that far behind him.
Budo was right, it did pour. And it still was by the time they reached Ayano's house. Budo had his school jacket up above both of their heads, which did a horrible job of keeping them both dry.
Ayano ran over to her door and was about to unlock it when she looked over her shoulder and gestured towards Budo.
"You can't stay out here." She called over the sound of the downpour. Budo looked up in surprise before rushing over to the door and joining Ayano as she unlocked the door and went inside.
Though the house was nice, the first thing Budo noticed was how empty it looked. There were no family photos on the walls, and nothing that really showed that anyone lived here. It was quiet, and it seemed as if they where the only ones there.
"You can hang up your jacket on the rack right there so it can dry." Ayano said, throwing her book bag off to the side. When she looked over her shoulder, Ayano laughed a little bit.
"What?" He asked.
"Your hair looks terrible!" Ayano giggled. Budo turned over to the mirror and literally cringed when he saw his own reflection. It was sticking up at odd angles, except the top, which had been flattened by his soaked jacket.
"Hold on, I'll get you a towel." Ayano disappeared behind a corner, returning shortly after, a soft, fluffy towel in hand.
"Thanks." Budo wrapped the fabric around his hair in an attempt to save it from the horror of precipitation.
"Hungry?" Ayano asked dryly (which was quite ironic). She had pulled off her shoes and was now continuing deeper into the house. Budo laughed a bit.
"Depends, are you cooking?" He smirked. Ayano glared over her shoulder, which made Budo shudder a bit. No matter how well he knew Ayano, and knew she wouldn't hurt a fly, that icey glare scared him a bit every time.
"Actually, yes... I am. Sadly in this house, there are only two options on the menu; take it, or leave it." She continued towards the kitchen, prompting Budo to follow. Ayano bent down and opened the cupboard closest to the floor on the left side, looking in in intently. She pushed her hand in and soon afterward brought it back out with two packets in hand and a triumphant smirk.
"Ramen?" Budo laughed a little. Ayano gave a quick nod, pulling herself up.
"Ramen." She then pulled out a small pot and began to fill it with water.
"I have this feeling that I should supervise you while you do this. You know, just in case something sets on fire." Budo only half teased. What could he say, the idea of leaving Ayano alone in a room full of possibly flammable/explosive objects and an easily misused heat source did not seem like a good idea to him. Ayano grumbled, throwing in the two blocks of noodles and patiently waiting for them to cook.
It took roughly 2 minutes for this to almost literally blow up in her face.
"BUDO I THINK I DID THIS WRONG!" Ayano yelled. Budo looked up from the homework he had in his hands and immediately jumped up at the sight of Ayano wrestling with an overflowing pot.
Boiling water was going everywhere as the dark haired girl tried to tame it enough with a pot cover to be able to reach the stove's dail.
"Hold it down, I've got it!" Budo reached his hand back towards the dail and quickly turned off the stove completely. He and Ayano both backed up as to avoid the last bit of boiling water that was flying out, and watched the pot slowly simmer down.
"Do you think it's still ok...?" Ayano asked, slowly approaching the small, stovetop time bomb. Lifting the lid carefully, she peeked in.
Due to being exposed to extreme heat for a bit too long, the noodles looked more like a big, gooey, brownish blob than they did actual food.
".... In my defense, this doesn't usually happen." Ayano claimed.
"Did you put in the flavoring before the noodles where done?" Budo glanced sideways at Ayano.
"... Was I not supposed to?"
They spend a couple more seconds just looking down at their mistake. Budo sighed.
"Take out?"
"... Take out."

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