We're Getting Somewhere

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"He defiantly hates us." Budo stated, placing the pizza box on the coffee table. It had taken the pair forever to agree on toppings, since Ayano preffered just cheese, and Budo felt the need to ruin a perfectly good pizza with every topping under the sun. But, since they didn't want to pay another small fortune on a pizza that only one person would eat, they had to find a compromise. Thus, the pinapple pizza that sat in front of them.
"Probably because we made him come out in a storm." Ayano pointed out, opening the box up and taking in the beautiful scent. Budo waved his hand dismissively.
"Ayano, now isn't the time for your logic. He didn't give me my change." He crossed his arms.
"My change." Ayano corrected, picking off the pinapple on her slice. Budo looked up, shaking his head.
"How does someone not like pinapple?" He questioned. Ayano shrugged, continuing to pick off the fruit.
"I guess I've never had any." Ayano answered simply. Though it seemed like a reasonable answer to her, it didn't seem to please Budo in the slightest.
"You have to try it!" He exclaimed. Ayano glared at him out of the corner of her eye, hoping it would be enough to turn him away from the idea.
"Actually, I'd rather n-" She began, but was soon interrupted.
"What if I fed it to you~?" He adopted a flirty tone, causing Ayano to roll her eyes.
"Please, i don't know where you've been. And where ever it is, I know it couldn't be good." She looked back down at her plate, smiling triumphantly.
"But I bet you can guess where I'm going to be~." He added. At this point Ayano couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.
"I never would have guessed that you of all people would be so shameless." Ayano sighed a bit. "This just proves that I need better taste in friends."
Friends... The word felt almost foreign coming from her mouth. She had never had a connection with anyone besides Taro. But somehow, it felt nice to be able to call someone her friend... even if she knew it couldn't possibly be genuine.
"Your parents won't mind the mess, will they?" Budo asked. Ayano tensed slightly. Yes... she did trust him...
Just not enough for them to have that conversation.
"Oh... um, no.... they.... work alot." Ayano answered simply, hoping it was enough to make him drop the conversation topic. He shrugged it off in a way and continued with his pizza.
"So... I don't suppose you finished that homework you were working on before... the incident." Ayano faltered, not exactly sure how to put it into words.
"If by 'incident', you mean when you nearly set the place on fire... the no. Not yet..." He looked down at his plate, forcing a laugh. "I can't tell if the homework is too hard of if I'm too much of a dumbass to get it."
Ayano shook her head.
"Just because you don't understand doesn't mean you're a dumbass." She scooted closer, reading over the martial artist's shoulder. "These are good answers, they just need a little work."
"But what kind of work?" He gave her a sideways glance, then skimmed through the work he had gotten done. Ayano sighed a bit, looking her friend in the eye.
"Do you need any help?"

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