Chapter 4

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The first thing she saw after she woke up was Vision. With his eyes closed and relaxed he looked like an angel. She didn't understand why some people are still afraid of Vision. Why can't they be happy that he's protecting them? He is the most intelligent, the most powerfull, the cutest, the nicest and the purest person in the world. The only thing he wants is for people to see him as something more than a robot. Maybe he isn't human. But his mind and soul are human. He is as human as all the people who called him a robot, thing or an it. Hell, he is more human then her! And now he is here, next to her sleeping, well 'resting', that's how he calls it.
"May I ask why you are staring at me?"
She hadn't notized that he was awake. She smiled and moved closer to him. She placed a kiss on his colarbone and said:
"Good morning Toaster"
"I'm not a toaster, Wanda" he replied frowing.
"Yes I know. That's a nickname"
"But I thought Vizh was my nickname. That's how you call me"
"Vision. It's normal for people, who are in a romantic relationship, to have more then one nickname. And sometimes friends have more then one nickname too"
"We are in a romantic relationship?"
"Yes Toaster. We are. If you want to, than we are."
"Do you want to be in a relationship with me?"
"Yes Vision. I'd love to call you my boyfriend."
"Good. Because I want to be your boyfriend."
They both smiled at each other. Wanda lifted her head from his chest and looked him in the eyes.
"I love you Toaster"
"I love you too.....Paprika"
Her smile grew and she bent her head down to kiss him on the mouth. The kiss was different then the ones they shared the day before. This one was full of love and caring. Vision broke the kiss moments later and looked at her with a sad look.
"I have to return to Mr Stark"
"For a few days, Wanda. I will return to you then. I need to go back to tell him I want to see the world. This way I don't hurt his feelings. If I just disappeared, then he will think I don't trust him anymore."
"Is that the thing Steve was talking about yesterday?"
"You are too kind my Vision. I understand. But promise me, that you'll come back"
"There is no force in the universe that can keep me away from you for more than just a few days, my love. I promise I'll come back."
Wanda grinned and leaned down to kiss him. This time she broke the kiss.
"Stand up"
"Excuse me?"
"I have an idea"
She rolled away from him to the edge of the bed. Then she stood up and waited for him to do the same. When he stood in front of her, she went to the bag and grabbed something in it.
"Get out of the T-shirt"
She held up the thing she held in her hand. It was a marker.
He pulled the shirt over this head and looked at her curious only to find Wanda staring at his bare chest and stromach.
"Oh. Yes. Sorry." She moved closer to him and lifted the marker to his chest.
"May I?" she wanted to know.
He nooded and watched as she wrote something on his chest. She had to put a hand on his shoulder so she could write easyer. He enjoyed the feeling of her hand on his bare skin. And he couldn't believe how lucky he was. The most beautiful woman, the love of his life, even thought he's not even one year old, was standing in front of him and writing something on his chest.
'She is the best thing that happened to the world and to me,' he thought.
"Ok. I'm finished," Wanda put the marker back where it came from while he tried to read what she wrote. So he went to the bathroom and lokked into the mirror. On his bare, red and silver chest stood 'Come back to me, my Vision. I love you'.
His synthetic heart almost exploded as he read those words.
"You won't forget now" his angel said.
He turned around and captured her lips in a long kiss. After they parted Wanda said.
"You need to come back before wednesday. It's really important. Oh and there is a small red box under my bed. When you come back you need to take that with you"
Vision nodded.
"And now, Toaster, we should hurry up. The others are waiting"
Shortly after that Wanda went into the bathroom while Vision changed his clothes. Now he wore a white shirt under a vest with jeans. Soon Wanda came out wearing a tight, black jeans and a darkblue hoodie. Vision, who had normal skin and blonde hair, stood up and held the door open for her like a gentleman. She waited for him to close the door and after he did she grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek. They found the others outside the motel next to a black car. Well not everybody.
"Where's Scott?" Wanda asked Clint as they went over to him.
"There's a Starbucks around the corner. He's getting coffee"
Soon Scott arrived and got into the car with Steve and Sam. Wanda turned around and wanted to say goodbye to Vision but before she could say something Clint interrupted her.
"Wait, not yet. You're comin' with me"
"What?" asked a suprised Wanda.
"To my farm. With me. You. Oh and Vision you can come too, if you want"
"What?" asked Wanda again.
"I called Laura yesterday. She said she wouldn't mind. It was her idea. She thought that would be better for you"
"And Vision can come too? "
Vision already opened his mouth to say something but Wanda interrupted him.
"Yeah I know. A few days. But still. Can he come too?"
"Yes. Sure. Laura can't wait to meet you."
Vision thanked him and turned to Wanda.
"I'll go and get the car" then Clint walked to a gray car and got in.
"I'll miss you"
"I'm coming back"
"I know I know. I'll be waiting. But be back before Wednesday. And don't forget the red box"
"Don't worry. I will be back on sunday or monday"
Wanda nodded and threw her arms around him.
"I don't want you to go. But I know you have to"
"I already promised you Wanda. And you made it quite clear that you want be back. And I'll do whatever you want me to do"
"Kiss me"
And he did. He held her as close as possible as he kissed her.
"Bye" said Wanda after they parted "I love you"
He pressed a small kiss against her forehead and whispered "I love you too".
Then he let her go and walked with her to the car. He waited for her to get in before he said his goodbye. Then after Clint drove away he looked back at the motel and flew off.

Until The Stars Burn Out ~ A ScarletVision FFWhere stories live. Discover now