Chapter 10

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Vision watched how the twins were sleeping in each others arms. They fell asleep four hours ago and now it was time to wake them. As soon as they arrived Clint ran out of the jet to tell his family about the good news. The only problem was, he had no idea how to wake them up. He had never done that. He walked over to them and sat down in front of them.
"Wanda? Mr Maximoff? You have to wake up."
Nothing happened. He placed his hand on Wanda's arm in hope, she would wake up. She didn't, that was the reason he entered her mind. He smiled as he notized that her eyes flew open.
"Hey Vizh" she whispered. She brought one hand up to rub her eyes. The other was still wrapped around her brother.
"We arrived." he told her. "And could you please wake up your brother? I don't know how he likes to wake up"
"Yeah. But wait a secound. There is something that's more important"
She reached for him and grabbed the collar of his shirt. Her lips captured his in a sweet kiss. He enjoyed the feeling of her soft lips on his and wished this moment would last forever. It didn't of course. As they parted Wanda whispered 'I love you' and poked her brother in the ribs. His eyes flew open just like Wanda's one minute ago.
"Are we there yet?", he asked as they stood up.
"Yes, Mr Maximoff."
"Vizh, you can call him Pitro. Right?", she looked at her brother and raised her eyebrows.
"Oh, yes yes sure. Call me Pietro." He sounded a little disappointed as he said that.
"I will. Now, I think we should go . The Bartons must be waiting for their hero."
"Put your sass somewhere else, Red. I'm not a hero"
Laura hugged him as soon as he was in arm lenght. Pietro stood there and tried not to make the situation not more awkward then it already is. But his arms were pinned to his body by her hug.
"Thank you",whispered Laura as she let him go.
He was about to say something when two other pair of arms wrapped around him.
"Thank you for saving our dad.",said Cooper.
"I didn't knew you had kids",said Pietro to Clint. He was holding Nathaniel, who was staring at Pietro's hair and Vision.
"Yeah. Nobody exept the Avengers know. Well if we still are Avengers." Clint looked sad as he said that.
"Anyway, this is-"
"I'm Cooper",interrupted Cooper. .
"And I'm Lila!"
"Nice to meet you Cooper and Lila", said Pietro. "And who is that?" He gestured towards Nathaniel who was handed over to Vision. The little boy laughed as the red man held him and was hitting his shoulder with his little fists.
As the two older kids and the two women giggled, Pietro lifted an eyebrow.
Clint's face was more red then Vision's.
"His name is Nathaniel",was all he could say.
Laura grinned at her husband.
"Nathaniel Pietro Barton", she said.
At that Pietro blushed.
"You didn't see that coming?", asked Wanda before bursing out laughing. Even Vision grinned at that.
But Pietro was still suprised. He couldn't believe what he heared. It must've been a joke.
"You named him after me
? But why?"
"Well I wouldn't have been able to if you hadn't have saved me.", was the answer.
"Well I'm touched. I would have never expected this."
"Good. I'm hungry. Let's go inside"
After eating and talking for two hours, they went to bed.
Wanda guided her brother into the room she was staying in.  Wanda had borrowed a t-shirt and a pair of shorts from Clint for her brother to sleep in.
"Sweet dreams, brother"
"Right back at you, sister"
Later after she thought her brother was asleep, she called for Vision though their minds. He appeared just a few seconds later and sat down on the floor next to her.
Wanda reached for his hand.
"Happy Birthday Vizh."
"Thank you Wanda. It was one of the best days I had."
Wanda frowned.
"But it wasn't like I imagined it to be. We were supposed to go to our favourite spot in the woods and have a picnick. This day should have been about you and not me"
"Wanda if you are happy then I am happy too. And I am very happy to see, you have your brother back."
Wanda yawned.
"You should sleep now Wanda."
"I love you Vizh. Very much."
He bent down and kissed her forehead.
"I love you too Wanda."
He bent down again to place a sweet kiss on her lips.
Then he went to the door and was about to leave when he heared someones voice.
"Happy birthday Toaster"
He froze and turned around with wide eyes.
"Mr Maximoff I-"
"I can expl-"
"Shut up lovebirds. We'll talk tomorrow. Let me sleep."
With a last glance at the twins he exited the room.

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