Chapter 9

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After the suprising call the Avengers took Clint's quinjet to Soul. The quinjet was hidden in one of his barnes. Clint's family stayed, it would be too dangerous for them.
Right now Clint flew the het while the two other Avengers talked.
"It could be a trap", Wanda said.
"We heared his voice Wanda. It was him."
"I know Vizh, it's just ... Dr Cho said he wouldn't wake up in three years. It's too early"
Vision placed a hand on her knee.
"Aren't you happy that he woke up? You have your brother back, Wanda"
"I am very happy Vizh. I just don't want to get dissapointed again."
"That quick little bastard has a very bad timing!", shouted Clint from the cockpit.
"Don't call him that, Katniss!",shoutad Wanda back, laughing.
"You know what I mean Wanda. Everything changed. We are 'Wanted Criminals".
"Mr Stark has a plan. Soon, the Avengers will be together again. And Mr Barnes will be free." said Vision.
"That's nice of you to say, Vizh, but they will lock us up again. And you too. You were the one who helped us to escape."
"I will not let General Ross take you again." He moved his hand from her knee and laced his fingers with hers. They spent a minute in silence until Clint unterrupted it.
"Let's talk about something else. What are we going to do when we are back? We have only one guest room and since we are repainting Lila's room, she is sleeping in Coopers."
"I don't need to sleep, Mr Barton. Wanda and Pietro could share", said Vision.
Wanda wanted to disagree, but her boyfriend was right. As always.
"Yeah that would go. And what are you going to do the whole night?, she asked instead.
"I spent a year without sleeping, Wanda. I will be fine"
Wanda let her head rest on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her.
"I'll sleep now",she said.
"Don't you want to lay down?",asked Vision.
"No. You are comfy."
Her heartbeat slowed down and just as he thought she would be asleep, he heared her voice.
"Let's not tell him about us. Not yet. He would not take it  well."
"That's a good idea"
She lifted her head and kissed his cheek.


She woke up as they landed on top of a huge building. Helen Cho was already waiting for them.
"Is is true? Is he awake?", asked Clint.
"Yes. He is eating right now."
Wanda nearly burst into tears. She had her brother back.
"Dr Cho, I know you are aware of the situation Ms Maximoff and Mr Bar-", started Vision.
"Don't worry sweety. There are only two person in this building. Pietro and myself. Nobody will know about this."
As they walked into the building, the only thing that was on Wanda's mind was her brother, her Pietro. The same with Clint. He couldn't wait to kill the boy for saving his life. The only one who stayed calm was Vision, even thought he wanted to meet him. But as they stopped in fron of a door, he became a little bit excited too. Cho turned towards Wanda.
"Are you ready to see your brother again?"
Wanda nodded. Vision could see tears in her eyes, so he took her hand and squeezed it. Cho opened the door. Clint stepped throught in followed by Vision and then Wanda. The room was white. A bed stood in a corner and a table in the middle of the room. And there he was, Pietro Django Maximoff, sitting on ghe bed and staring at them. His hair was shorter but still silver. He couldn't see his sister. She stood behind Vision.
"Hey", he said and frowned."Where is Wanda?"
Hi voice made Wanda cry. She stepped forward until she stood next to Vision. The twins stared at each other. Nobody said anything until Wanda ran towards Pietro and threw herself at him. They fell from the bed but neither of them cared. Wanda was squeezing him against her body as she cried and whispered his name. His hands were rubbing circles on her back. They parted ten minutes later. Both of them were sitting on the floor and Pietro's arm was wrapped around Wanda.
"Hey old man"
"Never do that again. Do you know how stupid that was?" The archer looked like he was  about to start crying any moment.
"It's a pleusure to see you are well Mr Maximoff. I am the Vision", said the synthetic man.
"You are the one who came from the cradle, right?"
Vision nodded.
"You should go soon. My co-workers will be back in an hour.", said Cho.
Minutes later the twins and Clint were in the quinjet. Vision was still saying goodbye to Helen.
"Visit soon, okay? And happy birthday. Oh, and how are things going with Wanda?"
"We are in a romantic relationship."
"That's great! I'm happy for you"
She grinned at him. "Now, come here and hug me."
He wrapped her arms around her body. Her hands were drawing circles on his back. He felt something deep in his chest. It wasn't quite like the feeling he got when he looked at Wanda. He loved Wanda. But he felt something similar every time he visited Helen. He felt warm and loved.
"You should leave, big one. And visit soon."
She kissed his cheek before she let him go and disappeared inside the building. He hovered into the quinjet and sat down near his beloved Wanda and her twin.
"Wanda?", he asked a few minutes later. He was still curious about the new feeling.
The twins looked up.
"Yes?",she asked.
"When Dr Cho hugged me, I felt something. And I thought you could help me."
She smiled, while Pietro frowned.
"Did you feel loved? Safe?"
It was his time to nod.
"It's easy. You th-"
"You love her", interrupted Pietro.
They could hear Clint laughing from the cockpit.
"No you idiot! He thinks of her as a mother!",said Wanda as she hit Pietro's head.
"That makes sense. Thank you, Wanda"
Silence filled the jet. He looked around for something to read, only to notice Mr Maximoff was staring at him. He looked like he was about to say something.
"Do you have a question Mr Maximoff? I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you", Vision asked as polite as he could.
"Yeah. Why are you here?",Pietro wanted to know.
"Pietro! Don't be rude!",warned Wanda.
"I am not! What I meant was... Helen told me what happened. Between the Avengers. About the fight in Germany, the Sokovia Accords and about the teams. You are on Starks side. And my sister and the old man were at Captain Americas side"
Silence filled the room again. Only a whispered 'shit!' from the cockpit was heared.
"I was on Mr Starks side. Now I am not. As I said, exactly one year ago, I am on side of life. I thought the government was right until I heared what happened with the others. And your sister is a dear friend of mine. I could not let her or any of my friends get locked up. I came to help them as soon as I knew where the RAFT, the prison they were kept in, was."
Pietro's eyes widened. Nobody had told him about a prison.
"Thank you. For helping her when I could not"
"It was my pleasure"
Vision looked at Wanda, who seemed to be very interested in their conversation. He knew she wanted her brother to trust him before they tell him about their relationship.
"And what else happened? I mean the battle in S- the battle against Ultron was one year ago. How's the team? And who was that dude in the black Iron Man armor?"
"That's Rhodey. The War Machine. And there is Sam Wilson, too. He calls himself The Falcon", answered his sister this time.
"Wait? Are you seriously telling me that the only ones who can't fly are the old man, that superhot redhead, Captain America, and my sister?", he asked suprised.
"You forgot yourself Mr Maximoff"
"I run fast", he pointed out.
"And Ms Maximoff can fly too"
It was Wanda's time to laugh.
"Are you kidding me?", Pietro turned his head to looke at his sister.
"You didn't see that coming?" Shouted Clint and laughed.

Until The Stars Burn Out ~ A ScarletVision FFWhere stories live. Discover now