Chapter 11

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Vision spent the whole night sitting on the couch and worrying about Pietro's reaction. He didn't seem angry. But then again, it was late and he had been tired. It was a long day for everyone. Vision hoped that the speedster will accept him.  He watched enough movies to know that siblings don't tend to like each others' partners in the beginning. And unfortunately he was right.
It wasn't even 7 o'clock when he heard somebody coming down the stairs. He hoped it was Wanda or one of the Bartons. Even if it was unusual for them to be up this early.
"Red" said the young sokovian speedster as he entered the livingroom. Vision stood up.
"Good morning Pietro. I hope you slept well"
The silver haired man only nodded as he walked into the kitchen. As he took one of the apples and bit in it, Vision spoke nervously.
"About what happened ladt night_",he started but was interrupted by the sokovian.
"Not before Wanda wakes up. I'm not having the conversation without her." It was Vision's time to nod. He wished to have Wanda by his side as they talk about their relationship.
As Pietro continued to eat his apple a uncomfortable silence fell on them. Vision watched him nervously as he remembered.
"Would you like me to make you breakfast? Pancakes perhaps?",he asked. The other man threw the rest of his apple away and nodded.
"That'd be great, thanks."
Vision turned around and started to put everythung he needed on the table as Pietro asked.
"Do you need help? Just standing around while you make food seems wrong."
The synthetic man was suprised. Usually nobody wanted to be in the kitchen when he cooked, they would be too afraid he'd blow something up again.  Wanda was the only one. Then he remembered, the sokovian knew nothing about the exploding microwaves or the fire.
"There's no need but thank you for offering."
An hour and a half later there were multiple plates full of banana pancakes in the kitchen. Pietro already finished half of his and Vision waited for the others to come downstairs. He could hear people walking to the bathroom upstairs and he felt Wanda waking up five minutes ago through their telepatic connection.
Just as he thought about talking with her through their connection, he heared to people coming down the stairs. Wanda and Lila. Finally.
He smiled as Wanda spotted him, and that earned him one from her. She walked up to him and without even looking at her brother she put her arm around his waist and pulled him down with her other one to smash her lips against his in a very heated kiss. After 5 seconds of kissing him she pulled away, leaving him suprised and hungry for her lips back on his. Usually she would greet him with a loving and sweet kiss, instead of a hard and passionate one. Not that he minded.
"I get your point Wanda but is it really nessesery to do this in front of me? I just ate.",groaned Pietro.
"I think it's cute" said Lila who sat down next two Pietro and grabbed a plate of pancakes. Vision raised an 'eyebrow' at her comment. Wanda let out a chuckle.
"Yeah, Pietro. We are cute. Now stop being the overprotective big brother and say you are ok with me and Vizh." said Wanda as she
startrd eating her breakfast.
"I'll stop being the overprotective brother when you stop this nonsense. He's a robot!"
Wanda dropped her fork and Vision froze.
"What did you just say?!",said a very angry Wanda.
Pietro's cheeks turned red and he started to apologise for what he said, but it was too late. The words already left his mouth.
It felt like the happyness from before left Vision's body. He looked at the floor wishing he could just disappear. He knew the young sokovian wouldn't be happy with him dateing Wanda but he never expected this. It's been a long time since anyone called him the r-word. His hearth started feeling heavy with the knowledge that the speedster thought of him as someone less the a human being, as a thing, and without looking up he changed his density and left the house.
"Vizh, wait!",shouted Wanda but he was already gone. She turned back around facing her brother. Her eyes full of fury and anger. She raised a hand and slaped him hard across the face. Then she ran out of the kitchen and left the house. She was looking for Vision. And she already had an idea where he might be.
Pietro raised a hand to his cheek. He couldn't even remember the last time something like this happened. He felt embarassed. Not even 12 hours reunited with his twin and she already hated him. And her boyfriend must hate me too, he thought bitterly. He heard Lila leaving the kitchen. 'Great', he thought, 'She must hate me too'
He lez his head fall against the table.
"What happened? Where is everybody?" asked Clint. Pietro looked up, a mistake.
"Why is your face red? Wait is that the shape of a hand?!.....What have you done?!"
Vision sat down, his back against a tree. He put his face in his hands and sighned. He should've expected this to happen. Not that he had any reason to feel like this. So heartbroken. It's not like it wasn't true. He was just a robot. He isn't worthy of Wanda's love and he could never be.
Vision raised his head and saw her. She was standing next to a tree, facing him. Odd, he should've heard her approaching him.
She started walking towards him and sat down next to him, also leaning against the tree. Her shoulder touching his biceps. She raised her armes as if she were to hug him and asked:
"You wanna cuddle? It'll make you feel better."
Without replying he wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on her shoulder. She wrapped her left arm around him and used the right one to rub circles on his back and neck. Like he used to do whenever she felt sad. How the tables have turned....
"Nice place you choose. But the last time we were here I was the one in your lap and it was a very different situation. More romantic.",she tried to break the ice. But no succes.
Not that she wasn't right. He did choose this part of the forest for that specific reason. It reminded him of her.
"You should know that whenever Pietro gets protective, he doesn't even try to think about what he's saying. That's one of his bad habits"
"That still doesn't change the fact that he thinks of me as a robot.",he whispered.
"But does it really matter? It only matters what you think. And you know you are human, don't you?" she asked. After getting no reply beck she stroked the back of his head.
"Vizh, we've talked about this."
No reply.
"Now tell me. If you were a robot, that why do you have a soul?"
"I don't have a soul"
"Vizh. I can read your mind. Do you think I can read the mind of a fridge? Or of a door? No. Cuz they don't have a soul. But you do. And you know what. It's the most beautiful one I've ever felt."
Vision lifted his head.
"I'm not done yet. You, my love, are the most caring and loving person in all universes. And if anyone makes you feel less then that I'll show them what real pain feels like. I promise. And besides. Love is for souls, not bodies. It doesn't matter that you are red and silver. Even if you have a very sexy body, that's not why I love you. And believe me. Your soul is very existent and that's who you are. That's the person I love"
"You really think that?"
"Of course,my dear."
Vision put his head back on Wanda's shoulder. They sat in silence for a while, Wanda continuing to rub his back and neck and him breathing in Wanda's soothing scent.
"Thank you",he whispered.
"Anytime. Would you like to go back or should we stay for a while? ",she asked after she kissed the side of his face.
"I'd like to stay if that's alright with you"
"Of course it is, my love."
Vision's arms tightened around Wanda. "I love you too Wanda"
"And I you my Vision"
For a while none of them spoke. They stayed like that on the ground of the forest, wrapped in each others arms, not knowing that Pietro Maximoff was a few steps behing them, hidden behind a tree. He has gone after Wanda to apologise to them and he has heard everything. A single tear rolled down his cheek. Not only because of Wanda's speech, but because he realised how much she has grown in the last year and that she menadged to find somebody who would love her until her last breath.

Did you like it? I hope you do. Btw this is the longes chapter I've written until now. 1500+ words. And I've written 1200 today.
Next chapter should be up by the end of the next week.

Oh and anyone interesten in joining a Scarlet Vision Whats App Group??? If yes tell me your number and I'll add you.

And before I forget.... 2,88K people actually read this fanfiction?! 2,88K?! Wow. Thank you so much!!


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