your thought about him

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JESUS HISTORY TEACHERS ARE SO FREAKING ANNOYING omg omg omg omg that's the library it'll be over soon... history history history- OOMPH.  HOLY MOTHERFREAKING HEAVENS WHO DARE BLOCKED MY WAY YOU'RE NOT GANDALF WHO SHOUTED YOU SHALL NOT PASS OH oh oh.. OH crap those are the bluest eyes I've ever seen shit omg omg HE'S CHARLES XAVIER the famous guy in school crap crap crap I JUST BUMPED TO CHARLES FREAKING XAVIER

Oh well hello there lucky guy *mentally whistles* you're here meeting (y/n).. dang WHY IS HE SO ASDFGHJKL gosh he's hot and that leather jacket seems too leathery.. talk no talk no talk no talk no OH SCREW IT JUST TALK TO HIM AND BRACE YOURSELF (y/n).. HOOOOOOOLYYYY SHEEEEEEZZZ DAT VOICE GOLY GOSHH oh oh he drinks scotch HE LIKES SCOTCH OMG ME TOO I SHOULDA ORDER THE SAME EARLIER.. oh that's rude he leaves OMG i forgot to ask his name WELL hope we meet again suga

(a/n jeez I think that's me up there except the scotch-beer thing XD)

Wow DC ain't that bad as I thought whoa look here a neighbour why don't you go say hi (y/n).. ho marya what a nice name and wow wait she got kids NICE i don't have to be alone at home watching crappy tv shows or playing tags with Nolan.. ha so those kids are lazy asses whoa look at here (y/n) OMG WHAT THE HECK THAT BOY GOT A FREAKING SILVER HAIR hey-yeah YESH THERE ARE GIRLS AROUND.. OH OH oh his name's Peter he offers me a Twinkie what a nice boy..


Ooohhh jeez this night's a little bit cold probably from the rain that happened at five or six.. I gotta buy some hot chocolate and- HOOOLLLY SHEEEEEEEZ THIS GUY IN FRONT OF ME JUST STOLE AN APPLE A FREAKING APPLE OOHHH CRAP CRAP crap shit what do i do what do i do- eyyy OMG OMG HE KNOWS THAT I SAW HIM OHH CRAP oh well hey there gorgeous look at that beautiful hair WAIT WAIT DID I JUST PROMISE THAT I WON'T TELL ANYONE hooo okay ok okay just calm down and let it be that way

Scott Summers. Scott. Summers. Summers. Dang he's my best friend I dunno why I just feel protective around him, especially when he gets bullied.. THOSE BITCHES IN SCHOOL BEGIN TO SPREAD GOSSIPS THAT I DATE HIM HELL OF A MOTHERFREAKING NO I'm not he's just my best friend and we are neighbors NEIGHBORS I TELL YA.. he never smiles at anyone but he smiles at me sometimes CRAP does he flirt or try to be nice at me?

CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT TO BRING MY CAMERA WHILE IMA GOING TO A WALK what the heck oh HEY there's a circus there why not give it a shot.. HECK THAT ANNOUNCER'S VERY ANNOYING SCREW THAT ACCENT OH (y/n) OH oh wait over there.. WHOOOOOO there's a blue being over there like omg he's kinda cute with that hair and that tail.. HOLY SHIZ HE JUST TELEPORTED he's a mutant he's one of them OH WELL SCREW IT HE'S JUST CUTE and his power is just WOW

What I know of Henry 'Hank' McCoy is he's a total geek and a smart ass I mean JEEZ HE GRADUATED HARVARD AT THE AGE OF FIFTEEN NIIIICE.. where in the world is he he's not in mordor or in wonderland isn't he well I think I just gonna ask his folks, think gonna ask to school his address cuz I don't know where in the world he lives with his family.. where does he work, some crappy lab or something? He couldn't work in a grocery store haha weird

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