how you hug

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Charles usually gives you a lingering kiss on your forehead, before placing his protective arms around your shoulder and yours around his waist.

Erik leaves a light kiss on your neck while hugging you, and sometimes he hugs you from behind too. His hugs are always long and loving, for he doesn't want to lose people he loves the most. Especially you.

Peter's hugs are always surprising you. Just because he's super duper fast and likes to attack you with hugs at his current speed until you have to fall to the floor along with him.

Alex's hugs are like movie material. He twirls you around, laughing along with you happily before setting you down and places his muscular arms around you.

Yeah right you are a tomboy girl but you still melt whenever your boyfriend hugs you around your shoulder, and you nuzzle your face into his neck.

Kurt always gives you warm hugs whenever you need them. His arms are always open for you and when you run into them he kisses your temple and whispers "I love you" in your ear. Sometimes his tail is involved too.

You love bear hugs. You always do. He buries his face in your shoulder often. Hank is taller than you and his grip is firm so you guys are perfect ^w^

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