Types As Alignments

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INFJ: Chaotic Cynical
ESTP: Chaotic Violent
INTJ: Poetic Evil
ESFP: Chaotic Sloppy
INFP: Stressed Neutral
ESTJ: Pathetic Evil
INTP: Neutral Confused
ESFJ: Neutral Insecure
ISFJ: Neutral Conservative
ENTP: Chaotic Weird
ISTJ: Lawful Introverted
ENFP: Unfashionable good
ISFP: Neutral Cute
ENTJ: Extroverted Evil
ISTP: Neutral Fashionable
ENFJ: Chaotic Passive-Aggressive


─── ・IMPORTANT:. ───

Before bashing on/insulting anyone/anything,please do remember that these are just stereotypes of sorts.They aren't supposed to define who you truly and wholly are.You aren't supposed to mold yourself and your life according to this.This is just for fun.Please don't be offended.I hope you will have fun reading this.Have a nice day~ :)


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