How to seduce the types

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INTJ: Let them talk to you about their interests and show you their projects. Tell them how interesting you find them. Be honest and genuine, they can tell when you're faking.

INTP: Tell them you want them, but make sure it's the right moment. They appreciate tactfulness. You wont get a second chance with them.

ENTJ: Let them talk to you about their ideas and plans for the future. Listen to their rants. Be emotionally supportive but don't baby them or smother them.

ENTP: Share inside jokes, be physically affectionate, share laughs together. Be honest with them, they will return the favor if they value you.

INFJ: appreciate and recognize their wisdom. trust and value their opinion, go to them with your problems when you need advice. lend them a book that reminds you of them. write notes in the margins.

INFP: read their writing (with permission) and relate it to your own life and feelings. discuss your feelings with them. Sing them a song or write them a love poem. buy them pens.

ENFJ: Listen to their stories. Agree with them if they announce an opinion. Laugh at their jokes. Recognize them and allow them to be the center of attention. Ask them to model for you if you're an artist or photographer.

ENFP: take them to an indie music festival and provide them with food, drugs, cuddles, and attention. Sing loudly with them when their favorite song is playing.

ISTJ: ask them for help doing something that requires practice such as mathematics or music theory. Let them know how grateful you are for their skill and intelligence.

ISFJ: Before you win them over, you must be approved by their friends or family. They trust the people who are closest to them and will appreciate that you are interested in being involved in their lives.

ESTJ: Send them a good morning text every day and a goodnight text every night. Call them hot. Let them rant to you at length about their favorite thing.

ESFJ: buy them a bouquet and present it to them in front of all of their friends. Make sure to tell them they've captured your heart and caught your eye.

ISTP: ask them if they can help you work your computer, when they aren't looking, change your screensaver to a cute "will you go out with me?" message with their name.

ISFP: admire their art and creative spirit. tell them what you find interesting and endearing about them. Point out their positive idiosyncrasies. Discuss art with them. Tell them when a song reminds you of them.

ESTP: ask them on a date to go skydiving, surfing, mountain biking, etc. fall in love. get married after a few months of dating.

ESFP: bring them to a party, laugh at their jokes, tell them how gorgeous they look. Give them all of your attention but don't expect all of their attention in return. They're free spirits. Don't let your jealousy hinder their freedom ever.


─── ・IMPORTANT:. ───

Before bashing on/insulting anyone/anything,please do remember that these are just stereotypes of sorts.They aren't supposed to define who you truly and wholly are.You aren't supposed to mold yourself and your life according to this.This is just for fun.Please don't be offended.I hope you will have fun reading this.Have a nice day~ :)


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