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INTP - Objectivity.

INTPs are the ultimate skeptics of the world. This type refuses to settle for cookie-cutter explanations of absolutely anything and they are incredibly thorough in all their intellectual pursuits. If INTPs were superheroes, their greatest strength would lie in their ability to analyze situations objectively and rationally - taking personal biases out of the equation in order to determine what's really going on.

INTJ - Clarity

The INTJ's greatest strength lies in their ability to remove the 'outside noise' from their perceptions of the world and get right down to the heart of any given situation. This type sees things clearly, intuitively and precisely - naturally understanding how the world works in a holistic framework. If INTJ's were superheroes, their greatest strength would lie in their ability to intuitively understand how the world around them functions, while everyone else remains caught up in the trivialities of day-to-day living.

ENTP - Outside-The-Box Thinking

Of all the personality types, ENTPs are perhaps the most genuinely open-minded. This insatiably curious type enjoys examining issues from every available angle - which consequently allows them to come up with the most unique and impressive solutions that are available for any given problem. If ENTPs were superheroes, their superpower would be unconventional thinking and problem-solving.

ENTJ - Decisiveness

If the ENTJ were a superhero, they'd be 'Get Shit Done (Wo)Man." This highly capable type keeps a cool head and a rational mind while under pressure - they are always capable of making difficult decisions with swift, rational ease. This type's superpower lies in their unique ability to make clearheaded, outcome-optimized choices while everyone around them is losing their heads.

ENFJ - Leadership

Perhaps more than any other type, ENFJs possess the unique ability to rally and win over others. Their natural confidence and people-intuition allows the ENFJ to emerge as a natural leader in most situations. If they were superheroes, the ENFJ's superpower would be persuasion and guidance - they have a natural inclination to lead others to greatness.

INFJ - Foresight

INFJs possess the impressive ability to predict how a given situation is going to turn out for almost everyone involved. While some equate this ability to ESP, INFJs know that it is due to their natural people-intuition combining with their future-focused thinking. Understanding others on a deep level, the INFJ is often able to predict how they'll act in the future and what the corresponding results of their decisions will be. If the INFJs were superheroes, their superpower would be the ability to predict others' actions.

ENFP - Inspiration

ENFPs are the ultimate optimists - they see the best in everything they do and everyone they meet - and they possess the unique ability to inspire the best in others. This type's endless enthusiasm for the world around them - combined with their ability to chase and achieve their dreams - is incredibly motivating to those around them. If ENFPs were superheroes, their superpower would be inspiration.

INFP - Wisdom

INFPs are the ultimate 'old souls.' From a very young age, this type is keenly aware of the emotional truths that surround them and they can tune into these perceptions almost effortlessly. If INFPs were superheroes, they would be the wise sages who possess the unique ability to see the root of all human conflict and struggle.

ISTJ - Accuracy

ISTJs are incredibly adept at pinpointing the best or most correct way of going about almost anything. This type relies on only the most practical ways of getting things done, which is a skill that much of society lacks. If ISTJs were superheroes, their superpower would be the ability to pinpoint the most accurate method of getting things done, while everyone else is wasting their time on futile trial-and-error methods.

ESTJ - Efficiency

ESTJs are incredibly decisive folk. They waste no time when it comes to implementing and executing good ideas, in the most efficient way possible. If this type were a superhero, their superpower would be efficiency - the ability to actually get things done while everyone else is freaking out about the details.

ISTP - Hacking

ISTPs invented the phenomenon of 'life hacks.' This type sees the quickest and most hassle-free way of getting just about everything done. They are able to figure out new systems with ease, and quickly pinpoint any shortcuts that might be available within them. If the ISTP were a superheroe, they'd be 'Shortcut (Wo)man' - saving the world one life hack at a time.

ESTP - Capability

In a world full of deliberators and worriers, ESTPs are the least afraid to take action on what they want. Undaunted by the rules or formal procedures, this straight-shooting type is often to go after their goals. If they were superheroes, they'd be 'Capable (Wo)man' - the hero who just goes out and does the thing, while everyone else stays home and freaks out about nothing.

ISFP - Individualism

ISFPs are blatantly unafraid to show their true colors to the world - this type is inventive, unconventional and individualistic to a fault. In a world full of mindless drones, the ISFP refuses to ever conform. Their superpower is individualism - the ability to stay true to themselves despite external pressure to change.

ESFP - Charm

If any type is inherently blessed with the 'gift of the gab,' it's the ESFP. This type has an effortless knack for understanding others and catering to exactly what they want to hear. Brilliant charmers and salespeople, the ESFP's superpower truly lies in their ability to win over others. Socialization is their natural second nature.

ISFJ - Loyalty

In a world of crooked villains and volatile heroes, ISFJs prevail as the most loyal and devoted of all personalities. This unlikely hero will fight for any cause they have committed to until the bitter end. Their strong sense of duty and devotion is what sets ISFJs apart from the other types - their superhero alter-ego would undoubtedly be the last (wo)man standing in the face of any external treachery.

ESFJ - Preparedness

ESFJs are ruthlessly organized. This type is prepared for almost any worst-case scenario that could possibly arise, which means that in an emergency, you'd want them by your side. If ESFJs were superheroes, their superpower would be caring for those around them through their superior sense of preparedness... which is already what they do in their everyday lives. ESFJs truly are our natural everyday heroes.


─── ・IMPORTANT:. ───

Before bashing on/insulting anyone/anything, please do remember that these are just stereotypes. They aren't supposed to define who you truly and wholly are. You aren't supposed to mold yourself and your life according to this. This is just for fun. Please don't be offended. I hope you will have fun reading this. Have a nice day.
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