Types Trapped In A Room

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ISTJ: calls 911. "Well, that was simple."

ESTJ: yells at the room until it lets them out,"UGH, OPEN UP!"

ISFJ: gives the room a makeover. "Wow, what a glow up!"

ESFJ: befriends the room. "So, what's your name again?"

ISTP: tries to tunnel out of the room.

ESTP: graffitis the room

ISFP: writes some poetry about how their being trapped in this room is a metaphor for life

ESFP: somehow manages to get more people into the room and has a spur of the moment dance party

INTJ: is thankful for your finally getting some peace and quiet

ENTJ: convinces some poor fellow to come and take their place as person trapped in the room

INTP: doesn't notice they're trapped in a room

ENTP: convinced the room that it's trapped inside of the ENTP

INFJ: meditates until they go to a place beyond the room

ENFJ: makes everyone feel bad that ENFJ is trapped in the room all alone

INFP: cries and gets so sad and depressed that the room let's them out itself

ENFP: turns the room into a clubhouse


─── ・IMPORTANT:. ───

Before bashing on/insulting anyone/anything, please do remember that these are just stereotypes. They aren't supposed to define who you truly and wholly are. You aren't supposed to mold yourself and your life according to this. This is just for fun. Please don't be offended. I hope you will have fun reading this. Have a nice day.
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