Why Types Are Cute?(Intuitives)

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enfj: cute when they're scheming. Enfjs feel like they were born to change the world, and they get so involved in cooking up massive plans for how they're going to do it. an enfj can see a piece of litter on the sidewalk, and within fifteen minutes be making plans to contact the mayor about a new cleaning initiative, trying to decide what the best way to make fliers about it would be, wondering how much money it would be for a radio ad. enfjs are cute when they're excited, when they're dreaming their big giant idealistic dreams.

infj: cute in an uplaceable way. maybe you wouldn't even notice them in a crowd at first, maybe they would blend in at a party. but if, at that party, you sat down and talked to them you would notice that there is just something about the intense empathy in their eyes that is warm and inviting, that you want to get lost in.

intj: intjs are mega cute when something pierces their emotionless veneer. Like they'll be skulking about, all badass and kind of pissed off looking, and then someone will walk by with a tiny white soft bulldog puppy on a leash and they will turn into a baby talking, starry eyed, marshmallow person.

entj: like intjs, cutest when they're letting they're guard down. adorable in the rare moments they become flustered or surprised, when they get stressed out over something minor for a moment, swear and kick something, then immediately become bashful after demonstrating feeling.

infp: when they're emotionally impacted immensely by a small thing. they cry every times the dog dies in a children's movie, an it's adorable. if they see a little pigeon with a hurt wing struggling on the ground, they might tell you about it hours later that day, with misty eyes. they are poetically sensitive to almost a ludicrous degree, easily impacted by things the more callous of us have become numb to- and it's both cute and inspiring.

enfp: all around super cute. neck and neck with isfj in the Cutest Type race. enfps are cute when they just wake up. they sleep so much, and they're always so rumpled and grumpy and disoriented when they finally regain consciousness, that it's very hard to resist the urge to hug them.

entp: entps are cute when they're being silly, which is good news because they're very often being silly. they're cute when they're making themselves and others laugh, climbing trees and throwing things at the people below or drawing dumb caricatures of their friends. reading plato aloud in a strange voice, idk, they're weirdos.

intp: so cute when they're concentrating. when they're completely engrossed in something: origami, calculus, playing a violin. they furrow their brow adorably and give themselves over mind, body, and soul to the task at hand.

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