Reaction To Failure And Mistakes

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STJ: learn from the mistake and never make it again, but have trouble not thinking about that mistake for a long time to come / feeling that others may remember it as clearly as they do. They may put a mistake down to bad planning or poor people skills, and make amends through action.

SFJ: learn from the mistake and never make it again, but have trouble not obsessively analyzing every aspect of what happened. Their embarrassment over making a mistake and concern over how others might think of them for messing up will preoccupy them with figuring out HOW and WHY it happened and how to avoid it in the future. They will not want to talk about it for awhile, but if they can discuss it and get affirmation from others ("we all make mistakes, and making this one didn't change how I feel about you") they'll recover nicely.

STP: will keep trying until they master it or get it right, trying out a different technique each time. Failure gives them the chance to figure it out / master it; they move on fairly quickly from failure and mistakes.

SFP: might feel self-conscious for awhile but then will try again from a different perspective, with newly found determination to master it. Tends to move on fairly quickly when healthy.

NTJ: may feel blindsided by failure, because they planned it all out so intricately; failure may come from them not calculating a particular thing into their plans, which means they will be angry at themselves for awhile for not considering all possible angles before acting on their plan. This may slow future projects down, since they will be more inclined to want to consider everything to avoid similar miscalculations.

NFJ: will feel ashamed of not having planned for everything, and over-analyze just where it went wrong to avoid making similar mistakes with future projects. Will be embarrassed and reluctant to talk about it with others, but reassured once they do open up and are convinced that failure does not make others like them any less.

NFP: feel frustrated and hurt, and may carry this wound with them for awhile, allowing it to chip at their self-confidence; they may revisit it on occasion and feel bad about it for a long time, but will also learn from it.

NTP: sees failure both as a learning process and a reflection on their logic itself, which may need further refining and analyzing to determine just WHERE the failure lay. Is a little self-conscious about it and how it reflects on them, but tends to move on to new projects fairly fast, having learned from the experience.


─── ・IMPORTANT:. ───

Before bashing on/insulting anyone/anything,please do remember that these are just stereotypes of sorts.They aren't supposed to define who you truly and wholly are.You aren't supposed to mold yourself and your life according to this.This is just for fun.Please don't be offended.I hope you will have fun reading this.Have a nice day~ :)


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