Welcome Back!/Prologue

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Welcome back, readers!

The Pokemon Max adventure continues! Thanks for all the support and the views that the original story has gotten. I appreciate it a lot, and I am really happy for anyone who made it this far in the story (you need to have read the original Pokemon Max, and then Final Showdown).

But enough pleasantries. Let's get this story going!


Hey everyone.

Hopefully, if you're reading this, you've heard of me. If you haven't, boy have you got a lot to catch up on.

My name is Todd Raker. I was an ordinary guy (or so I thought) for the first fourteen years of my life. Then one day, my life went to hell, and I met the best friends I would ever have.

There were four of us, all given the strange ability to transform into creatures known as Pokemon. from a world that was connected to ours. Eventually, our secret got out, and we spent the next two years in hiding, as we tried to figure out our abilities and protect the world from corrupt forces.

We eventually found two more of us who had similar powers, plus we encountered some allies on our adventures, but through most of it it was the six of us. Adrian, a tall brooding guy who was the oldest of the group, and had the power to change into a sneaky shadow Pokemon called Sabeleye. Harper, the next oldest of the group, was a confident, but quiet girl who had water powers from her Pokemon form known as Empoleon . Taylor and I were the middle members in terms of age, Taylor only a few weeks older than me. She was proud, a bit reckless, and was a little easily angered. These traits were all accented by her fiery kick-butt Pokemon form called Blaziken. As for me, well, we can talk about me later.

Joey was the second youngest, only a little older than our youngest, Nelly. Joey kind of seemed to look up to me. He tried to do what I do, which would either end up great or completely terrible. He had a preference for unorthodox fighting, and his Pokemon form was called Hitmontop, which spun around on its head to deliver kicking attacks. And last but certainly not least was Nelly, our youngest and most carefree member. She had become one of us when she was only 8, and the things she had to experience were terrible. But somehow, she managed to keep up her childlike innocence. She always seemed to be especially chipper, likely due to her flying, lightning throwing Pokemon form Emolga.

And so that was us. Six kids whose lives spun completely out of our control. It could have just been that simple. But like anything you would expect out of life, there was much more going on.

Our world continued to spiral beyond predictability. There was time travel, evil clones, alternate dimensions, the whole shebang. But the deeper you went, the more complicated things became. Adrian tended to be antisocial, and didn't work well with others. Harper had had a crush on me, which was especially awkward when I developed feelings for Taylor. Joey was often a little too carefree, which led to some problems. And there was the fact that no matter how badly I tried to fix things, I only seemed to make things worse.

Those would have been have enough problems, because we found ways to work around them. But there was one issue that most of the team didn't even know.

My father had never been around when I was growing up, and I had lived with my mom for as long as I could remember (until I was forced into fugitive hiding for several months after developing the ability to transform into an otherworldly creature). Why my father left, I had never known. I didn't think I would ever know.

Then I had to work with alternate dimension versions of myself to stop a Pokemon super-God. Normally, only as significant as the multi-verse destroying threat. Except from there things got personal. I was able to prevent a psychic attack by the Pokemon, evidently with enough strength that I impressed him. So he decided to give me a ring while I was dreaming, and have me a desire to investigate my father.

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