Part 3 Skeletons

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Part 3 Skeletons

Before I start the chapter, you may have noticed the attached picture. That is a drawing of Tallymon II from the previous chapter, done by TeamCapumon (Just based on my generic description in the story) as a birthday present for me (9/9, in case you were wondering). I thought I'd attach it here, because it's just so awesome. But don't go asking them for a ton of art. They're busy enough. Anyway, commence story!

"My name is Hari, as Todd probably already told you. I'm from basically an alternate reality, similar but still very different from yours. In my reality, there's a strange place called the Digital World. From what I've heard, a long time ago, people created a sort of pet monster computer program. It was meant to be a big thing for kids. But for some reason, the idea would end up being scrapped. But the programs themselves were designed well enough to function on their own. They uploaded to strange place within the internet, a place where their data could grow and change. They influenced the environment around them, and, like humans, developed societies and grew to understand their world."

He took a breath. "But they were still running on their base programming. They could find ways to become more powerful and have better chances of survival. But there was something about human children that had the ability to empower them. To allow them to undergo huge amounts of enhancement in an extremely short amount of time. And that's where we come in."

"We?" Adrian asked.

"I'm what's called a digidestined. We're kids who are connected to the Digital World and to a certain Digimon in a way that allow them to access new forms. It's called Digivolving, a temporary boost to all their abilities."

He had finally stopped talking, which served as the perfect time for me to express the fact that I did in fact have a good memory.

"You're that guy I met from the dimension hopping thing." I told him.

He looked at me. "Come again?"

"I had a sort of run in with a super monster, who sent me on a road trip through a few similar realities." I shrugged.

He looked at me with a curious look. "You're Tommy's doppelganger. Man, I knew there was something I recognized about you."

Joey had apparently been getting impatient, as he loudly interrupted, "All right, now may we please discuss what exactly is going on? Like, why you're here maybe?"

Hari sat down on a crate. "Well, me and my other Digidestined friends were fighting this pretty bad Digimon in the Digital World. He's really interested in human children, though for very bad reasons."

Taylor shrugged. "Enlighten us."

"He wants to use them for an army. He's found a weird way to fuse them into Digimon-human hybrids. It's something to do with one of the Digimon who serves him. They're dangerous, because they take orders from him. But for him its not enough. He wants them to be more powerful. I think that's why he wants your world."

Doc frowned. "The overwhelming presence of Pokemon."

"Yep. He sent that one Digimon I mentioned. It's known as Jokermon, and for whatever reason, it can do that whole combining human and Digimon thing. Something about the way he does it, though, causes them to lose hold of their humanity. It gives them Digimon instincts and thoughts, makes them easy to control."

"So he wants Pokemon to make better warriors."

"And all Jokermon needs is a touch of a Pokemon or a human with Pokemon DNA to get that army."

I stepped back for a moment. The world just kept getting weirder, and it never seemed to be willing to do so with my permission.

"So what do we do now?" Harper asked.

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