Part 5 Command

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Part 5 Command

-Two more days later-

He didn't know what to do specifically. Or what it would feel like. So he simply sat there and let himself think. Staring idly at the sunrise's beautiful crimson rays. Thinking, and hoping.

More information had begun to come back. Little things like his age, gender, some facts that he apparently deemed important. It was hardly much, but every step towards figuring himself out was a big deal.

She had been having some success, too. Occasionally, she allowed him to pry into her brain for a moment, if just to dig up some of her jumbled history. She could see some simple childhood memories, and recently even recalled her parent's faces.

But there were still plenty of problems. The two were unclear on where they were, exactly, only hoping that they would stumble upon someplace they could go. He was struggling with emotions that seemed to well up inside of him. Hopelessness, anger, strange feelings that sunk in whenever he recalled his past.

They had no idea what else was going on, or how critical their timing would be.


The boy walked quietly through the grand halls of the castle. Despite how incredible the architecture was, he would not stop to admire it. That could get him killed.

Ever since the attack by that creature where they had all been knocked out, he had felt weird in his head. For whatever reason, the orders he received were followed out of some sort of obligation, rather than a sort of blind service. He felt like he could think and act for himself, at least a little bit.

But he couldn't let himself show it. He stepped into the main chamber and stopped, taking a knee. "Your highness."

An incredibly large velvet chair spun around, bearing a surprisingly small creature. About the size of the average adult, it was a humanoid anthropomorphic monkey. It was dressed in deep red robes, with a large crown on its head, and its body gleamed like solid gold.

It lounged across the arms of the chair, smiling. "Well, if it ain't one o' mah favorite generals. 'Course, I only got like three, so it ain't too hard to be the favorite, if yah know what ah mean."

"Sire, you asked to see me?"

It hopped off the chair and spread its arms in a grand manner. "All business, huh? I guess that is the way yah supposed to be, what with the whole servitude deal. Servants o' the great KingEtemon!"

His name was projected loudly through the whole chamber. It echoed around for a while, and finally he lowered his arms. "Ah did wanna see yah. Ya see we gotta bit of a problem on our hands, if'n yah know what I mean."

His voice became very serious. "I see yah men still haven't found their missing member. A shame, since she was the only one to get away with one of them blasted balls!"

"We...we will improve the search immediately, sir."

"Y'all better, cause we got bigger things to worry about. Like mah domination of two worlds thing we got planned."

KingEtemon sat down on the chair again, just on the edge. "Where's Jokermon, anyway? That trickster's supposed to be helpin' me, and yet he ain't ever around."

A large bead of sweat built on the boys face, trembling on the edge of his nose. He silently begged it not to fall. "I will notify you of the first information we receive."

And then it dropped. A small blob of sweat splashed against the floor.

KingEtemon looked at him more directly, his lunatic smile returning to his face. "Well a'll be. It looks like we've got a scaredy-cat here. There ain't no need for that, boy. Let me fix you right up."

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